Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

April 27, 2020

2020 Southern Belle in Training Reader Survey.

    Can you believe it's already that time of the year again? Time to share my annual reader survey for the blog + Instagram!

{Photo originally from this post}

     Each year, I enjoy getting your thought and feedback on my blog and Instagram content. I love knowing what types of posts and content really resonate with you and that you want to see more of, and also the things that you're not so crazy about.  I am so humbled that people take the times out of their days to like my Instagram posts and watch my Stories, and also to read my blog posts. I want to continue to serve y'all as best as I can with my blog! 

    The survey will be open until this coming Sunday evening, May 3rd 2020. This year I'm doing something new with it as well! As a thank you to everyone taking the time to fill it out, I'll be giving one of you a $25 gift card to a local restaurant of your choice in your city at the conclusion! (I'll be emailing the winner on May 4th). I thought this would be a great way to encourage you to support your community during such tough times, and my way of saying thank you for supporting my blog! Be sure to leave your email address in the last comment if you'd like to enter for that.

    You can enter via the widget below, or by clicking here

     Thank you for entering!! I am excited for the months to come on the blog.

Create your own user feedback survey

     God Bless,

     xoxo Annaliese 


  1. I entered, but I forgot to leave my email address in the last section! It's :)

  2. Such a good idea! I am taking it right now. I love this picture of you. Gorgeous!


Thanks so much for reading Southern Belle in Training! Comments make my day- so feel free to share your thoughts on this post! I read each and every comment.
If you have a question in regards to one of my posts, or just want to say hi, the best way to get ahold of me is by e-mailing me directly at: I am better about responding to e-mails than blog comments sometimes!

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