Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

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July 24, 2024

Wedding Wednesday: My Maine Bridal Shower.

      My first bridal shower was held a few weeks ago on July 7th, while Ryan and I were visiting my parents in Maine. My mom threw me a lovely and intimate tea party themed bridal shower, with the help of my high school best friend / matron-of-honor Julia! I'm excited to recap the shower here today for Wedding Wednesday. 


July 19, 2024

Travel Diary: Two Places Worth Visiting in Wilmington, DE

        In April, I got to check a travel item off from my current 101 in 1001 list: visiting the state of Delaware! Until recently, it was the only East Coast state that I'd never been to. (Note: my definition of "visiting a state" is spending a night there, not just driving or flying through.) When my dad and I used to make our twice annual road trips from my hometown in Maine to Charlotte, NC for my college, we somehow never took routes that lead us through Delaware. It's been on my list of places to visit for quite awhile, but I never would've imagined how I'd finally get to Delaware. I finally got to visit Delaware during my "funemployment road trip" to Maine this spring, which I did shortly after losing my radio job in April. 

     Post-college, I have always flown home to Maine for convenience. But since I was going to be visiting home for a longer period of time, I knew that I needed my car. And that meant making the 11 hour drive from Virginia Beach to my hometown! I knew that 11 hours was too long for me to be in the car alone all in one day. I told my parents that I had selected Wilmington, DE as my overnight stop for the drive to Maine. It ended up being my stop on the road trip back to Virginia, too! So I got to spend two nights total in Delaware.

     I stayed at hotels in different parts of Wilmington on each leg of the trip, but neither of them were the downtown. I would still like to return to Wilmington someday and see that part of the city, as I hear it does have some nice attractions. But despite skipping downtown on these trips, there were two spots I visited in Wilmington that I think are worth sharing about with you here on my blog! The first? Winterthur Museum Garden & Library.


June 26, 2024

Wedding Wednesday: How I Asked My Bridesmaids.

      Today's Wedding Wednesday post has been a much requested topic from some of the Instagram Q&A boxes that I've done the last few months! I've been looking forward to sharing the details with you of how I asked my bridal party to be in the wedding. 


June 18, 2024

Revising my 2024 Word of the Year.

     Each January or February for the past several years, I've selected a "Word of the Year" for myself for that year. Kind of a year-long personal mantra if you will? A word that I always hope will encapsulate my personal growth, experiences and memories during the next 12 months. As per usual in 2024, I had picked a Word of the Year and written a blog post about it back in the winter. But for the first time I ever, I am changing my word midway through the year! 

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