Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

January 31, 2022

What I Wore to Work: January 2022

     Oh my gosh- was this month like the longest January ever for anyone else?! I honestly didn't think there would ever be a January longer than 2021, but I think this year might actually have it beat. After an unseasonably warm December, January in Virginia was both cold and snowy. Brrrr! I also knew more people than at any point in the pandemic who had COVID this past month, which kind of added another layer of uncertainty and frustration to the month. 

      Kind of continuing with how I felt at the end of last year, this month I still felt very "meh" about a lot of things in my closet, and a lot of the work outfits I put together this month. Winter fashion is just not my favorite- what can I say? The first outfit below with my snakeskin midi skirt is probably my favorite one that I wore this month.


January 28, 2022

My Best Purchases of 2021.

     Before January comes to an end, I wanted to be sure to publish my final 2021 recap post. I always look forward to rounding up my favorite new purchases from the past year. These are the items that I loved the most and used or wore the most in 2021! 


January 26, 2022

Midweek Ramblings.


{Enjoying a quiet Sunday livestreaming church from home this past weekend. Follow me on Instagram @miss_alk!}

January 24, 2022

The "Southern Belle in Training" Origin Story: How I Fell in Love With the Southeast.

      2022 is a milestone year for me in a few different ways. June will mark 10 years since I graduated from high school, and September will mark 10 years since I started this blog! (This year will also bring some smaller 10 year milestones: like it being 10 years since I joined Instagram as @miss_alk, 10 years since I got my belly button pierced, and 10 years since I made the mistake of perming my hair for the first and only time. Ha!) But my first milestone that turns 10 this year is one that happened in January 2012- probably right around this exact week. And that would be the day that I had the epiphany that I  needed to move to the South for college.


January 19, 2022

Midweek Ramblings.


{It was such an honor and joy to be part of Ciera and Patrick's engagement in Charlotte this weekend! Follow me on Instagram @miss_alk}


January 14, 2022

6 Months of Life in Virginia Beach: Update!

      Today marks six months since I moved to Virginia Beach! I wrote a pretty lengthy post-move update at the three month mark back in October. Today's post definitely won't be quite as long, but I am still excited to share a recap of the first half-year I've spent living and working in Hampton Roads!


January 12, 2022

Midweek Ramblings.


{Enjoying some beautiful skyline views in Norfolk this weekend! Follow me on Instagram @miss_alk}

January 10, 2022

My 2022 New Year's Resolutions + Word of the Year.

     New year = new goals! I'm excited to share my 2022 resolutions with you today, as well as my word of the year. And we will also check in to see how my 2021 goals turned out. (Spoiler: although I didn't share it publicly in last year's resolutions blog post, my top resolution for 2021 was to move and get a new job. CHECK! 😊)


January 7, 2022

The Best Books I Read in 2021.

       My reading goal for 2021 was 40 books, and I actually exceeded it slightly and read 42 books! Read and listened to I should say, as this was the first year in many that I got back into listening to e-books.

      Looking back over my Goodreads for 2021, I was reminded that I read a lot of average books this year. In these blog posts I only recap the absolute best books of a year (ones I'd recommend to everyone), the ones that I gave five stars to on Goodreads. That was surprisingly only six books in 2021!! Three fiction and three non-fiction. I'm hoping 2022 will bring more five star reads, but for now let me recap my six favorites of last year: 


January 5, 2022

Midweek Ramblings.


{A snapshot from my first time in the Outer Banks this past weekend! I went to see the Wright Brothers National Memorial in Kill Devil Hills. Follow me on Instagram @miss_alk}


January 3, 2022

LILLY PULITZER SUNSHINE SALE: Winter 2022 Sale Picks + My Purchases!

      Today is the one-day only winter edition of the Lilly Pulitzer Sunshine Sale!! Lilly Pulitzer only does big online sales twice a year (September and January), so now is the time to shop if you want new and discounted Lilly purchases to wear for the spring and summer months coming up this year. After the sale opens at 8am today, I'll be updating this blog post with my top sale picks, and the items I've purchased. 


January 1, 2022

LILLY PULITZER SUNSHINE SALE: Winter 2022 Sale Dates + Lilly Try-On/Size Guides 🌴🌸

     Let's start of 2022 the best way possible- details on the 2022 Winter Lilly Pulitzer Sunshine Sale!! 

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