This post is coming a few months late, but that's due to my blogging break this summer. Hopefully better late than never for my final update on my first-ever 101 in 1001 bucket list!!
September 20, 2022
September 13, 2022
LILLY PULITZER SUNSHINE SALE: Day 2 Picks + Items I Own and Love On Sale
September 8, 2022
September 6, 2022
10 Years of Blogging + How I'll Be Changing Things With Blogging/Influencing.
Today my birthday, and it's also Southern Belle in Training's 10th blogiversary! On September 6th, 2012 as a college freshman, I wrote the very first post on here. How crazy to think that Southern Belle in Training blog is still going a full decade later! (And that I'm not 18 anymore and as of today I'm 28... but that's another story. 😊) Since I am fresh off of my extended blogging break for the past few months, I thought the 10 year anniversary of my blog would be the perfect day to share some thoughts on where I see my blog going for the next decade, and some changes that I want to make to the way that I do blogging and influencing. I'm definitely not quitting blogging, but some things will be changing for me.
September 1, 2022
Spring/Summer 2022 Recap: What I've Been Up To During My Blogging Break.
Hi and happy September! I can't believe it's actually been over four months since I've talked to you here. When I announced my extended blogging break back in April, part of me was unsure if I'd actually follow through with it. Blogging has been part of my daily and weekly routine for a whole decade. Even though I was burnt out and craving a long break to revaluate things, it also seemed kind of unfathomable that I'd actually stop blogging for so many months. But I did it! And... I'm so glad I did.
I'll have another post up next week with more thoughts on my break from blogging/influencing and what I see myself doing differently with all of it in the future. But for today, I wanted to recap this past spring and summer for you! I've been staying pretty busy, and it's definitely been a memorable past few months. 😊
Also- I currently have COVID for the first time ever! I was so sad to have to cancel travel plans that I was supposed to leave for today. Getting back to the blog today is definitely something making me smile despite all that's going on.