Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

December 31, 2024

2024 in Review: Highlights From My Year.

      Once again it's time for my favorite blog post of the year (and the longest post of the year!).  Let's recap all that happened in my life in 2024. Spoiler alert: a lot of life change! And that's what inspired me to change my Word of the Year halfway through the year for the first time ever. My original word of the year was "Celebrate" but I changed it to "Transform." 2024 definitely became an incredibly transformational year for me. 


December 12, 2024

TRAVEL GUIDE: Our Honeymoon at Sandals Royal Barbados

      I'm so excited to share a recap of our wonderful honeymoon! Ryan and I went to Barbados the week after our wedding for five nights. Neither of us had been to Barbados or stayed at a Sandals Resort before. We ended up really enjoying both the resort and the island, and I have the most fond memories from this special trip. 

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