Sweater {not online, very similar + under $25 here} // Skirt {very similar here} // Scarf {similar} // Boots // Bracelet // Lipstick
Last weekend, I enjoyed an afternoon at an apple orchard with fellow Charlotte bloggers! Apple picking is a fall tradition that I've enjoyed since I was little. Back home in Maine, there are lots of apple orchards that you can visit in the fall. There's one orchard that I grew up visiting with my family, and another one that I remember going to with my middle school youth group and various friends growing up. Both were great places to visit, and I have so many fond memories from home of all trips to pick apples.
Dressing for an afternoon at the apple orchard is the perfect time to where all of your favorite casual fall fashions! Blanket scarves, floppy hats, cozy sweaters, fall colors.... you name it, break it out! It was fairly warm out on the day that we went, so I paired my sweater and blanket scarf combo with my favorite suede skirt.
Last Sunday's day trip was my first time visiting an orchard here in the South, and I'll admit that I was a little underwhelmed! The girls and I went to visit Windy Hill Orchard in York, SC (just under an hour from Charlotte). The orchard did have the cutest little food and drink bar area where you could purchase donuts and cider- and the donuts were delicious! But I was under the impression that all apple orchard were U-Pick, since that's the type that I grew up with in Maine. We learned after we arrived that this orchard finished the U-Pick season in September, so visitors could only "look" at the apple trees... a little bit of a let down! But all of us still managed to take blog photos by the apple trees. ;-) And as always, it was a great time to get together with some of the Charlotte bloggers! I've said this before- but I'm so lucky to live in a city where there is such a great blogging community.
Hope that y'all are having a great start to the weekend! Last year I went all out and enjoyed a more typical college "Halloweekend," but this year I'm ready for a busy and productive weekend filled mostly with work! #adulting I am excited to wear my costume for this year to broadcasting school on Monday though!
xoxo Miss ALK