September 30, 2020
Midweek Ramblings.
September 29, 2020
Lilly Pulitzer Fall 2020: Try-On + Sizing Guide!
One of my favorite types of blog posts to share are Lilly Pulitzer sizing try-ons! Lilly is always coming out with new styles, so I like to learn my best sizing for everything so I can better shop sales when they happen. And I love sharing what I learn with all of you, since I know lots of you are also Lilly fans, and some of you don't live near any stores that sell Lilly.
September 28, 2020
What I Wore to Work: September 2020
Time already to share September's work outfits! This was the coldest September that I can remember in Charlottesville so far. Typically this is still a very warm month, and it isn't until late October that it starts getting cold steadily. Not the case this year! The first week was hot and humid as normal, but since the second week of the month it's been unusually chilly, with highs many days only reaching the 60s and lows at night much colder. You'll see some of my outfits still have more summery vibes, and then there's a big shift to warmer fall outfits!
As always- find outfit details for every look on my LikeToKnow.It page. (You don't need the app to use LTK on a computer!)
September 24, 2020
Family Photos 2020.
Last month, my parents and I did something together that was very overdue. We had professional family photos taken for the first time since... wait for it...2007! We just got the final photos back this week, so sadly they weren't ready yet when I wrote my recap blog post for this trip home. But that just means they needed their own blog post, which you're getting today! 😊
September 23, 2020
September 22, 2020
Travel Diary: Maine's Prettiest Views at Quill Hill.
This summer, I found what I'm pretty certain is the most stunning mountain view in my home state of Maine. I'm going to go so far as to even say this might be the prettiest view in the whole state- mountains or not! And that's coming from someone who is in love with the gorgeous beaches and ocean coastline in Maine. Please allow me to introduce you to the heaven on earth that is Quill Hill!
September 21, 2020
Lessons From A Birthday Identity Crisis.
September 17, 2020
Lilly Pulitzer Work From Home Outfit.
Let's chat about bright and cozy outfits for working from home! Before getting too far into today's post, let me say I'm fully aware that I'm a weird exception in that I haven't worked at home for my day job at all this year. (Yes- even in the height of shutdowns back in March and April, I was still going to the radio station M-F!) But despite the fact that I haven't actually worked at home, I have spent a ton more time at home this year! And I now do all of my blog work from home (since coffee shops and the library still aren't an option again), so I guess I am 100% WFH for the blog. 😊I'm excited to team up with some of my blogger friends today as we all share Lilly Pulitzer inspired casual work from home outfits!
September 16, 2020
September 14, 2020
The Lilly Pulitzer After Party Sale kicks off today! Below you'll find a list of my favorite sale picks in various categories, and I'm also sharing what I purchased this time around. 😊