Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

August 28, 2024

Wedding Wednesday: 3 Months Out Checklist + Q&A

       This year is flying by, I can't believe we are now less than three months out from our wedding! Let's catch up on the planning that I've done in the last few months, and what I need to knock out in the final months of being engaged. 


August 16, 2024

Travel Diary: 48 Hours in Highlands, NC.

       This summer I got to visit the quaint and upscale mountain town of Highlands, North Carolina for the first time! I had seen other bloggers share about trips to Highlands over the years (notably Caitlin from Southern Curls and Pearls and Sydney from Summer Wind), so when my friend Emily selected it for her bachelorette trip destination, I was excited to finally get to visit. It had been several years since I'd been to the North Carolina mountains, and I had never been that far west in NC. The town of Highlands 100% exceeded my expectations, and I loved my brief time there for Emily's bachelorette. The night that I got back home to Virginia, I texted most of my Charlotte, NC girlfriends to tell them all that they had to visit! You know it's a good destination when you can't wait to recommend it to friends. 

     I'm excited to share a little Travel Diary for Highlands today with you!


August 12, 2024

J. Crew Factory Summer Date Night Outfit.

     Confession: these photos were taken in June, and I'm just now getting around to sharing them! Whoops. But hey- despite the fact that stores are already selling Halloween decorations and influencers in my Instagram feed are sharing fall clothing, it is still summer! So I'm still going to share this post today. 😊


August 6, 2024

A Day in My Life! (Summer 2024)

      It's no secret that 2024 has been quite a transformative year in my life so far (to quote my own Word of the Year!). From job loss to planning my wedding, there's been no shortage of life changes. And the year is only halfway done!

     Today I have the honor of having a post I wrote about a current day in my life being shared on one of my own personal favorite blogs to read, and I wanted to make sure that you knew about it.

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