Earlier this month, I had the opportunity to do a wonderful weekend staycation here in Virginia Beach. Local property management group Transcendent Stays invited me to stay at one of their fantastic local short-term rental properties. I am usually Team Hotel over Team Short-Term Rental for my travels both near and far (with exceptions to that rule on occasion), but I had such a phenomenally positive experience with this staycation that it was a good reminder for me to consider these types of properties more often when traveling out of the area or doing a staycation! I can't wait to tell you more about it today.
February 29, 2024
February 23, 2024
The Cutest New Target Shoes for Spring!!
Over the past few years, I've found Target to be more hit-or-miss for me when it comes to clothing, but I swear that their women's shoe selection keeps getting better and better every year! I wanted to get up a quick post to share a few of my new favorite styles (all under $50!).
February 20, 2024
My 2024 Word of the Year.
I usually try to get my Word of the Year post published before the end of January each year, but it totally escaped my mind this year since the first month of this year was so busy with wedding planning. But better late than never, right? 😊 I am really excited about my 2024 Word of the Year. This year's is such a good fit for my current life stage, and it also has such a positive connotation attached to it. I'm also sharing a few photos of one of my favorite casual winter outfits!
February 7, 2024
Wedding Wednesday: 9 Months Out Checklist + Early Wedding Planning Q&A
Welcome back to Wedding Wednesday!! We are officially nine months out from our wedding month... November 2024! (Yes, this spring and summer lover is going to be a late fall bride! Who would've thought?!) I thought it would be fun today to share a little checklist of things I've done so far and things that I'm hoping to do between now and the six-month mark. We got engaged less than a week before Thanksgiving 2023, so with the craziness of the holiday season I didn't really start wedding planning until after New Years. But we sure got a lot done in January, which I feel really good about. I'm excited to share my first wedding planning checklist here on the blog today!
February 5, 2024
Worthwhile Beauty Splurge: BeautyBio R45 Retinol Review
I recently tried a high-end skincare retinol system that worked incredibly well for my skin! I shared a little bit about it on Instagram Stories and got so many questions about it, so I wanted to write up a quick blog post with more information.