I have a pretty large amount of make-up, but I often to do the same look everyday. My go-to look is silver eyeshadow, a little bit of black or dark brown eyeliner, and my favorite mascara. It works for school and everyday life, but I wanted to do something really fun and dramatic for tonight. I started thinking about celebrities whose make-up I love. I've been watching
After settling on my make-up inspiration, I found this amazing Youtube tuturial on how to get Mila's unique smoky eye look. I was excited to discover that I already owned a lot of similar products to the ones used in the video. It was easy to follow and I did a test run last night which came out amazing (There's a picture on my Instagram)! Below is the tutorial that I used:
Below is a picture of the dress that I'm wearing. It was my senior homecoming dress last year. This is a terrible picture- I'll try and get some better pictures tonight! To update the look I'm wearing different shoes and jewelry.
Hope that y'all are having a wonderful weekend! I'll try and do a post with pictures from formal tomorrow or Monday.
xoxo Miss ALK
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