Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

March 30, 2020

What I Wore to Work: March 2020.

    It's an understatement to say that a lot has changed since I shared my February work outfits about a month ago! Lots of you are now working from home, and some of you I'm sure sadly aren't working at all right now. 😓What crazy times!

     I have still been documenting my work outfits in March since I've still been going to work M-F. (On-air radio staff are considered essential personnel.) I've still been dressing the way I normally do on weekdays, and I hope that seeing these outfits might bring a little bit of normalcy to your Monday, which is why I'm still sharing! March has continued the trend of January and February for being unusually warm, so I've enjoyed wearing lots of spring looks this month. 

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     Favorite Fashion Items of March 2020:

    Thanks so much for reading today. I hope your week is off to a good start- stay healthy and safe, and remember to take some time to get outdoors this week to enjoy the fresh air! 

     God Bless,

     xoxo Annaliese 


  1. I love that boho dress! I have been working from home - so rest assured, you don't want to see my work outfits! haha

  2. You look so pretty in all the looks! Love florals for spring!

  3. I'm still dressing up- even though I'm working from home! I love the fresh outfit inspiration!

  4. You have the cutest outfits! Absolutely love all of them, especially the first dress!


  5. Love these outfits, Annaliese! Where is your grey cardigan from (the one in the photo with the pink Hunter boots)? So cute!


  6. I love all of these cute looks! My favorite is the first. I love how you changed that dress up with boots.


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