Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

March 18, 2020

Midweek Ramblings.

{Social distancing = lots of Delilah cuddles in the near future. Follow me on Instagram @miss_alk}

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  • Chicago aquarium: This is one good news story to come out of COVID-19 that I just have to share. I love the adorable photos and stories coming out of the Shedd Aquariam in Chicago. Since the aquarium is now closed to visitors, the staff has been letting the penguins out of their enclosure on "field trips" to meet the other animals! SO cute. Follow them on Twitter if you need a smile. 
  • On the hunt for: Two things this week- do yo have any suggestions? 1.) free at-home workouts that actually work! I've always preferred a fitness class environment to at home, but that's sadly not an option right now. I'm looking forward to giving Jazzercise On-Demand another go, but would love to hear ones that work for you, too! And 2.) resources for Youtube channels or blogs that specialize in apartment organization! I'm hoping to use the extra time at home to tackle my small bedroom closet and very small bathroom. I took suggestions for these things on IG Stories yesterday, but wanted to see if y'all on here know of any as well!

Weekend recaps:
  • Last weekend: The final weekend before #SocialDistancing! Friday night I went out downtown with a few friends to check out the bar in the brand new Quirk Hotel. (But in true morning radio fashion- even though it was a Friday I was home before 8pm!) Saturday I went to Jazzercise (my last class before the studio closed) and then to a small birthday get together for two friends that evening. I feel like the news got a lot more serious between Saturday and Sunday... kinda wishing now I'd stayed in from the party, but also glad that I got to see people while I could! Sunday I began staying at home by livestreaming church. 
  • This weekend: Hoping to continue organizing and cleaning my apartment, getting outside for walks and also doing some in-home workouts, and maybe starting a new TV show with my roommate. Social Distancing let's gooo!


Wishlist: An extra big wishlist today since we all have extra time right now for online (window) shoppping!
  • I purchased my first pair of Miller sandals last year and wore them all summer, I'd love another pair of Tory Burch shoes for this upcoming season.
  • This casual green dress reminds me so much of one I had in high school that I wore all the time- it's like it's the 2020 version!
  • This bikini top is so unique and has all the retro vibes.
  • Kate spade has some really cute crossbody purses out that would be a perfect splurge for summer. 
  • J. Crew Factory has released this year's version of cute block heeled sandals
  • Caitlin from Southern Curls and Pearls raves about the Onzie leggings- I might try out a pair for myself in the next Shopbop sale since their designs are cute (and they're still cheaper than other brands).
  • An under $20 swimsuit that comes in almost every color under the sun.

Currently reading: Almost Single by Advaita Kala - an Indian chick lit novel! I love Bollywood movies so I'm excited to get more into this book this week.

Recipe of the week: Chocolate Chess Pie from Callie's Biscuits and Southern Traditions cookbook - I celebrated Pi Day one day late by making this tasty dessert! It's super sweet so I have been eating it in small pieces, but so good! And it was fairly easy to make as far as pies go.

Song of the week: Don't Start Now by Dua Lipa - not a new song, but I still love it! It's currently worked its way up to #2 on the Billboard Hot 100, crossing my fingers for #1 next week.

Favorite blog posts of the week:
  • Carolina Charm - Christina shared and reviewed her favorite Amazon bathing suits on a budget! I'm looking forward to trying some of these for myself once I can resume spring and summer travel. 
  • Seersucker Sass - My friend Dana is one of the best people I've met through the blogging world, but due to a lot of life changes she's been quieter online for the past year or so. I loved reading her life update! 
  • Chronicles of Frivolity - Katey's home decor and organization posts are some of my favorites ever, and she rounded up all of her best ones from the past few years into this mega resource. Perfect to read with extra time at home!

On the blog this week:

     God Bless,

     xoxo Annaliese



  1. OMG the aquarium field trips are too cute! This made me smile today! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Aww I love hearing good that has come out of COVID-19 like the Chicago Aquarium, I’m a huge penguins fan Please share if you a good at home workout plan. I’ve just been walking and doing light weights for my arms and shoulders. I’ve been doing a lot of cleaning and organizing too. It a good time to take advantage of this. Miller flats are awesome, I just ordered the nude color today. I have a pair of silvers ones and they've held up so well.


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