Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

October 7, 2013

Restful weekend.

     I barely posted at all last week, and the post that I left y'all with last Wednesday wasn't exactly on a positive note. I wrote honestly about the hard times that have come with transferring schools. But I'm pleased to report that after having such a difficult past couple of weeks, I had a relaxing and enjoyable weekend! Nothing too exciting happened, but I got to spend some quality time with sorority sisters, and try some new things.

     On Friday night some of my sorority sisters that I'm closest with wanted to go Food Truck Friday, which is a Charlotte tradition! Held in an empty lot in Charlotte's South End, tons of food trucks come in during the dinner hours and serve creative and affordable cuisine! The weather this past weekend was beautiful and it felt more like late spring instead of the beginning of October! It was a perfect night to eat some yummy food outside in the company of sisters. My sorority sister Hannah's best friend from high school was also in town, and she joined us as well!

Throwin' Diamonds at Food Truck Friday! Left to Righ: L, Hannah, P and yours truly!
     For my meal I visited a truck that was selling different varieties of tacos. One of my tacos was Chicken Tinga which was a spicy chicken mixture, and the other was seriously a dream come true for me. My favorite Indian dish is Chana Masala which is a spicy chick pea dish... and I got to have a Chana Masala taco! With goat cheese! Y'all, it was amazing.

     I didn't get a picture of my dessert, but there was a homemade popsicle company set up that I visited! I had a coconut chai popsicle. Coconut and chai are two of my favorite things, and I was very okay with them being combined into one icy treat. :-)

     Saturday involved crossing a couple things off of my "Pinterest bucket list" :-)... and buying new nail polish! Hannah, P and I went to Ulta on Saturday afternoon. I usually shop at Sephora for my make-up needs so I hadn't really been in an Ulta before! I loved it and bought a brand new Essie polish called "Toggle to the Top" that is fresh out of their new winter collection. I'm becoming addicted to the overpriced nicer nail polishes! Here's my growing Essie collection: (Also, sorry my Instagram photos in this post are so small! They came out all blury when I made them bigger!)

     I have been wanting to bake something off of my dessert board on Pinterest for awhile, but living in a dorm that has a communal kitchen (that's at the bottom of three flights of stairs!) and limited cooking supplies proves to make that a difficult thing. I'm also not really big on baking from box mixes... I prefer scratch! I finally decided though that I was going to bake something this weekend. After buying a few basic baking supplies I decided on a recipe- chocolate chip cream cheese cookies! The base of the recipe was Pillsbury crescent dough... better in my opinion than a box mix but still easier for me to work with then baking truly from scratch. Here's my make-shirt dorm room "kitchen:"

     And the cookies! The recipe only made about 12, but the proved to be a great study snack in the library on Sunday! It's probably a good thing there weren't too many more... I don't need that many cookies! ;-)

     Another pin that I've been wanting to try is no-heat curls. I followed this technique after washing my hair in the shower on Saturday night, and below is a little collage of my before and after!

     Some of the curls were great, but others turned out kind of weird. It also hurt my head a lot to sleep with tons of bobby pins in it. I'm glad that I tried this technique, but I'm not sure that I'll use it again anytime soon! Haha. It might work better on someone that has thinner hair... I have a TON of hair, and it's really thick, so I needed lots of bobby pins.

     Sunday I woke up feeling like I might be coming down with a cold, so I skipped church to sleep later. I took cold medicine and vitamin C, so hopefully that will prevent this from becoming worse! I spent the day working on French homework and relaxing.

     I also crafted a clever way to ask my roommate to be my date to my first and upcoming sorority event, which is called Mallard Ball. It's something that all ADPi chapters do. I spelled this out in candy corn on the floor of our room! My roomie said yes! :-)

     I forgot to add that on Saturday night, Hannah, P and I had dinner with two of my friends from my former school! They happened to be in Charlotte for Disney on Ice, so we all met at Moe's for a quick dinner. Sadly I didn't get any pictures of this, but I still wanted to include it here. :-)

     How was your weekend? Did you do anything fun?

     xoxo Miss ALK


  1. Such an adorable way to ask your roomie to mallard ball! The adpi chapter at my school had mallard ball too! I'm glad you had such a fun weekend!

  2. Those pictures are so fun! I hope you are enjoying your new college and sorority more :)

  3. Love the first picture of all of yall! Shew, I just finished with lunch but all this food looks good ;) Love your hair!!!

  4. This looks great! Please check out my newest posts & including my new DIY lashes post at!

  5. I can't wait to hear about the mallard ball, we're having one next Fall! I'm glad you had a wonderful weekend, sometimes it's good to get out and relieve some stress!


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