Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

October 25, 2013

A tale of a sale (and two Lilly Pulitzer scarves!).

     As I mentioned in my re-cap of my Fall Break, one of the highlights of the weekend was taking in the amazing sales at Belk that were apart of their semi-annual Belk Days. (For all you Northerners reading this: Belk is like a Southern version of Macy's.)

     The first thing that we did upon arriving at Belk Days was hitting up the shoe department! Both myself and my friend Jules were looking for some new boots. And boot sales we found! Both Jules and I bought the boots that we're each wearing in the picture below, and I got a second pair as well (look for them in a fashion post soon!).

     Before leaving Belk, I suggested to Jules that we hit up their Lilly Pulitzer department. As someone who lives fairly close to a Lilly signature store, I know that oftentimes signature stores or department stores that carry Lilly have cheaper prices on merchandise instead of official Lilly stores. And since we'd had such great luck with the boots, I figured why not?!


     Belk's Lilly department was having some great sales for Belk Days. Many Lilly dresses from the Summer 2013 collection were between 40-65% off! As awesome as this was, since I'd already bought a bunch of other things in the past couple days I decided against getting a dress. But then Jules spotted two Lilly scarves in the clearance area. One was a Murfee scarf, and one was a Murfette (The Murfette is the slightly cheaper Lilly scarf option). Typically the Murfee scarves are $118 and the Murfette retails at $78. The scarves that Jules found had clearance stickers but no reduced price, so we brought them to the cashier.

     It turned out that the Murfee scarf was selling for only $19.99 and the Murfette for $9.99! I did some math through a discount calculator app that I have on my phone and I realized that the scarves were over 85% off! That's unheard of  for Lilly Pulitzer!! The Murfette scarf had a cute mint green and white striped print that was totally Jules's style, and the Murfee was blue with beautiful flowers. Jules had wanted to get me a present since I'd let her come visit me over break, so she bought both scarves and gave me the Murfee one!! Below is a picture of it:

     Our scarf find just goes to show how you can get amazing deals on designer merchandise!! One of my main tips for finding deals on Lilly is looking outside of the official Lilly website or Lilly stores. Lilly signature stores (stores that sell Lilly Pulitzer but aren't called "Lilly Pulitzer") often have better markdowns and clearance, as do department stores that sell Lilly, like Belk! I know that Rue La La sometimes has great online sales on Lilly things as well.

     Have any of you ever gotten some great Lilly deals?

     xoxo Miss ALK



  1. Basically RueLaLa is where i get all my Lilly Stuff.

  2. A huge suggestion is go into the signature stores a lot and make friends with the people who work there-I did this and we can basically ask for a discount any time I want one.

  3. WOW what a steal on those scarves! I never thought about shopping at department stores when they were having sales to find Lilly items!

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