Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

July 24, 2013

Vlog time // I'm a sponsor!

     I got to thinking the other day about how it's been a very long time since I made my first vlog on this blog. Since then, a whole lot has happened in my life, and I also have a whole lot of new followers! So I'm thinking that this means it's vlog time again! I'll probably be posting/recording it sometime early next week, so now is the time to get your questions in to me! You can ask me just about anything. Just leave your questions in a comment on this post, or e-mail me if you'd like.

     And on a different blog related note, this month is the first month that I'm an official sponsor on two blogs! Sponsoring is something that I've wanted to do for awhile, and it makes me feel like I've finally become a legit blogger. ;-) The blogs that I'm sponsoring on belong to two ladies from the Her Campus blogging network. I applied to join the HCBN a couple months ago and was so thrilled when I got in. It's a free network which is pretty awesome, and I've made so many wonderful and sweet new blogging friends through it so far! It's also been useful to be apart of: I have found out about a lot of giveaways and blogging events through HCBN, and this is I found about about my blog designer Meg!

     The two blogs that I'm a sponsor on are The Darling Prepster and The Caro Diaries! I have a guest post going up on The Darling Prepster tomorrow, and there will be one to look forward to from me on the Caro Diaries in the next few weeks.

     A quick reminder on my own policy on sponsorships. I haven't opted not to have paid sponsorships and this time, and that will probably be what continues here for awhile. However, I do offer free button swaps! Details about that can be found on my Sponsors // Product Reviews page. And I'm always open to guest post ideas!

     Hope everyone enjoyed this little bit of "blog business." I'll try and have a post up soon all about my back-to-school shopping adventures!

     xoxo Miss ALK

1 comment

  1. I have also been think about doing my first vlog! It's kinda scary for me since I'm so used to writing but I think it would be so much fun! I can't wait to see yours! Here's a question for it--what's the best college advice you've heard? Or the best fashion advice?

    And yay for sponsoring! I submitted info the Her Campus Blog Network after you told me about it. I can't wait to see if they respond.

    Hope your day is going well! :)

    xo, gina


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If you have a question in regards to one of my posts, or just want to say hi, the best way to get ahold of me is by e-mailing me directly at: I am better about responding to e-mails than blog comments sometimes!

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