Happy Monday! I was going through my Amazon Wishlist last week while searching for items to start listing for gift guides and also things to put on my own Christmas list for my parents this year. Taking a deep dive through my general Wishlist made me realize how random the items are that I save for later on Amazon! Everything from fashion and jewelry to books to miscellaneous household items. Since my Wishlist is so random, I thought it might be fun to highlight some of the things on there! Some of these I'll be adding to my Christmas list, some I'll probably buy myself next year, and some I'll probably realize that I will never actually need and won't order.
Just to clarify again, these are all still Wishlist items for me, and not anything that I've ordered yet. So I can't vouch for quality or reviews on any of these items! They're just things that I've seen while online shopping that intrigued me enough to save them to come back and look at later. 😊
Now that you've seen mine, I'd love to know if you've purchased any of these items before! And is your Amazon Wishlist big and random like mine? Do you separate everything by category into smaller and more organized lists? Any items on Amazon you're planning to order soon? Share away in the comments!
God Bless,
xoxo Annaliese
New Phone, Who Dis is HYSTERICAL! We love a good group game night, and highly recommend games like that. It's always a hit!