Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

March 29, 2019

What I Wore to Work: March 2019.

     Happy Friday! Popping in quickly today to share my work outfits from the month of March. 😊 March was still a pretty chill month overall in Charlottesville, so you'll see that I wore tights with most dress/skirt outfits, and jeans a lot of days as well. I'm so excited for the weather to hopefully get a lot warmer in April, so that I can go back to my spring/summer uniform of wearing sundresses to work most days!

    I don't typically share links for each item that I'm wearing since I wear a lot of older pieces from my closet to work- but if you're curious about where anything in this post is from, feel free to DM me on Instagram or email me, and I'm happy to find similar pieces for you! I share these snaps more for inspiration so that you can do similar looks from your own closet. 

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Top fashion items of March 2019:

     Thanks so much for taking time out of your day to read. I have a very fun collaboration coming up on Monday that I can't wait to share- hope you'll stop by! 

     God Bless,

     xoxo Annaliese 



  1. Your work outfits are so cute! I love a white pant. It's definitely a staple piece!

  2. ahh so many cute looks! I love the purple sweater with the collar then opening to the drop!

  3. You look so cute! I love the first skirt and the leopard cardigan.

  4. All great outfits for work or play. Looking forward to your spring and summer looks.

  5. So many cute outfits! I really love your style. You look gorgeous. 😀

  6. What a great idea. I love everything in your wardrobe. Great style. Lynda H of

  7. The more casual style is more me. I love it.

  8. I love seeing what you wore to work every month! It's one of my fave posts you do! I think it's cause I'm jealous cause I end up wearing the same uniform: jeans and a blouse every day hahah!

  9. I absolutely love your work style! Especially the striped dress. I have gotten in a rut for work wear, so I needed this. Thank you for sharing.


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