Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

May 24, 2018

Spring PR Packages Review.

     Happy Long Weekend-Eve! I hope that your week has been going well so far, and that you have a nice weekend of plans to look forward to, whether you're traveling or staying local! Today I'm sharing one of my favorite types of posts to write every few months: the latest round of beauty PR unboxing and reviews! It is so generous that I'm on the gifting lists for several beauty companies, so I love testing out the products I receive through being a blogger, and sharing my honest reviews with y'all. My usual disclaimer with these posts: I'm not in a sponsored relationship with any of these brands, everything I'm reviewing today was gifted to me!

Spring Blogger Mail Unboxing

   This post contains affiliate links. Thank you for supporting Southern Belle in Training!

     Starting off with one of my favorites- Avon! They seriously always send the most generous and creative influencer gifts. The most recent PR package I received with a fun summery gift to promote their Skin So Soft Bug Guard products. I can't even tell y'all how relevant this package was for me! Biting bugs LOVE me. True story: the only thing I have ever asked blog photographers of mine to edit/photoshop on my images is BUG BITES! Whenever I get bitten by a mosquito, fly, or anything else, I swell up so badly and it's terrible. Anyways, my mom used to buy Skin So Soft when I was little, and I remember it both worked well and I loved the smell! So excited to test out the 2018 version. Plus- how generous of Avon to also send cute wine glasses, a bottle of rose, and a fun tray?! 

     Next up is another longtime favorite beauty brand: IT Cosmetics! One makeup product that I actually don't think I've ever tried from IT before is eyeliner. I received their Superhero Liner in a PR mailer last month and have been wearing it regularly with my normal makeup routine to test it out! Ink eyeliner pens are my favorite type of eyeliner to wear, so I had a feeling I'd like this product, and I do! I find it very easy to apply, and the staying power is wonderful. But... since these reviews are always 100% honest, I will tell you that I've tried drugstore brand liner pens before that I think work and look the same as this product, and for half the price. So you might want to keep that in mind! But this is still a good product if you like to splurge on eyeliner.

     This spring I've also had the chance to try out a new-to-me product from Dove! Their exfoliating body polish is great to use in the shower or bath. I really like using this on days that I shave my legs in the shower, and I've noticed that it really prolongs the softness of my legs compared to when I don't use it. My favorite scent is the Pomegranate and Shea Butter- it smells more like fruit cupcakes to me!

     You might recognize some of these next items from my Instagram! All Things Hair sent me a box filled with goodies from brands like TRESemme, Dove, and ApotheCARE Essentials! They also sponsored a giveaway on my Instagram for an identical box that I was able to gift to a sweet follower. I'm especially looking forward to trying the TRESemme Micro Mist- I've never tried a hair product exactly like this one before!

      And finally, some wonderful goodies from Inspired Soapworks Limited! They are a Canadian small business making skincare and bath products, and I connected with their founder, Laura, through Instagram! She generously sent me a sampling of some of their top products, including a bath and foot soak, salves, and a loofah slice! So far I have been especially loving the salves. I always put lotion on my legs after showering, and when I use the salve after putting lotion on, it makes me legs feel so incredible soft and moisturized. (Like lotion x10!) I don't have time during most weeknights anymore to take baths, but the next time I take one I can't wait to try the bath and foot soak. Check out all of Inspired Soapworks Limited's wonderful products on their website!

      Thanks so much for reading my spring PR reviews post!! A few of the products mentioned are linked below for easy shopping. I hope that you're having a good end to the week- Memorial Day Weekend is in sight!! I'm headed home to Maine this weekend, but I'll still be popping in this weekend and on Monday to share round-ups of the best MDW sales. Long weekends are often the best time to get your shopping on!

      God Bless,

       xoxo Annaliese 


  1. All these products look amazing, Annaliese! I grew up on Avon and just loved their spring-themed box!!! Avon is so great :) I need to check out their latest product line. Thanks so much for sharing. Wishing you a wonderful holiday weekend!

  2. The Dove exfoliating scrub has been on my
    Wish list! I’m glad you saw results from it.

  3. Looks like you got some really great stuff, I need to try that dove scrub!!! dove is my favourite.

  4. ahh so many goodies! i'm happy you saw some great results from some of the stuff!

  5. What an awesome mail day for you! My mom used to get bug guard products from Avon and this post reminded me I need to get some for myself too!

    xo Deborah
    Coffee, Prose, and Pretty Clothes

  6. I've never tried the IT Cosmetics eyeliner either! I'll have to check it out!

  7. These are all such awesome packages! I love IT Cosmetics!


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