Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

May 3, 2018

Life Lessons from My Mom + Mothers' Day Gift Ideas.

     Sharing a special Mother's Day post today on Southern Belle in Training! My mom actually just visited me recently here in Charlottesville - she was my first official overnight guest in Virginia. I've lived out of state from my family in Maine since I first went to college in 2012- almost six years ago now! Living far away from my mom most of the time now makes me think differently about the in-person time that we do get to spend together each year.

     I'm sure that most of you would say equally amazing things about your own moms, but my mom really is quite a woman. The first thing that I would say about my mom is that she is very selfless, and always offers to help a needy cause. Growing up, I watched her always give of her time and talents to her friends, our family members, and our greater community, which taught me so much about the act of service. My mom has also been through a lot in her life; life certainly hasn't always been fair to her, but despite that she has a genuine smile on her face each day, and truly bestows kindness and love on everyone that she meets.

     For today's blog post, I wanted to share some life lessons that I've learned from my relationship with my mom over the years!

Venice, Italy, 2017

Cape Ann, Massachusetts, 2015

Magic Kingdom, Disney World, 2010

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     Life Lessons from My Mom:

     *Always make time to enjoy the sunshine outdoors on a nice day. Vitamin D from the sun is so important! 

     *Invest in good shades for your bedroom windows, and cover up any lights from technology (like cable boxes, TVs, alarms, etc). The best sleep happens in a very dark room. (I haven't always followed this rule... sorry mom!)

     *Do NOT over-pluck your eyebrows- they don't grow back! (So glad I did listen to my mom on this one and never plucked my brows in middle or high school... full brows are finally in again and I've always had them!)

     *When making fashion purchases, spend money on well-made, classic items that can be worn for years to come.

     *Use a spoon to take out the "stringy white things" that come with eggs when you crack them open, before baking with or cooking the eggs.

     *Cookbooks are multipurpose- not only do they contain recipes for cooking, but they can be great reading material as well. 

     *Take time to ask older relatives stories about their pasts, and document said stories. It will mean a lot to them, and to you someday! 

     *The L.L. Bean credit card is a great credit card to have. (Sorry Mom- this will never be in my wallet 😉)

     *On the subject of credit cards, always protect them in RFID protector sleeves in your wallet, especially while traveling. Identity thieves are out there!

     *Never underestimate the power of saying "Thank You" to someone, and especially doing so in a handwritten note. 

    *Friends can come from all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life. 

    *Watching the local news is important to stay informed about your state and community. 

     Those are just a few of the useful life lessons that I've learned from my mom over the years. I also wanted to share a few ideas for Mother's Day gifts!! There's still time to order something online for it to arrive in time for Mother's Day weekend.

     I've done a ton of reading lately, so I'm looking forward to sharing a huge book reviews post on the blog next week. Have a wonderful weekend!

     God Bless,

     xoxo Annaliese




  1. Omg this is just amazing. I'm about to publish the same this weekend and aren't moms just the best? They help us through life and we need to stay thankful for them.

  2. Aww your mom sounds sweet!
    I love the gift picks - I want to get my mom that L'Occitane hand lotion set!

    xo Deborah
    Coffee, Prose, and Pretty Clothes

  3. I love how close your relationship with your mom is and the lessons she thought you are so valuable! Plus I got new ideas on what to buy for my "soul mom". In the past it was just perfumes haha. Now I can change it a bit

  4. This is such a cute post idea! I may have to borrow it... I definitely agree with her on covering up all lights in your room, I can't sleep if there's even the tiniest little light on.

  5. Such a cute post! my mom told me to never pluck my brows either! Best advice!


  6. Your mom teached you some of the best lessons (like the importance of staying outdoor and to say thank you) but also some very useful and fun tips!!

  7. Your mom seems like a wonderful woman and has so many great lessons to teach! Love all the gifts you chose too!

    The Classic Brunette

  8. Your mom sounds so wise and super sweet! That Jo Malone travel set is perfect as a Mother's Day Gift, love all your picks!

  9. What a sweet post! It's so fun to see what others have learned from their moms - I know we all learn so many different, incredible and life changing things!

  10. your mother sounds brilliant! i was victim to over-plucking! that'll be a lesson I teach!

  11. I kid you not my mom said the exact same thing about my eyebrows and I did not listen, as you can guess my eyebrows were not very cute my senior year of highschool!! Thank goodness they grew back!

  12. What a sweet post! My mom also taught me about how to travel safely with credit cards. Thanks for sharing your picks and advice from your momma :)

    -xo, Azanique |


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