Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

April 17, 2013

On a bit of a personal note.

     I'm sorry that I don't have time for a longer post today. I always want to be honest with all of you- so I wanted to let you know that along with my usual school responsibilities I'm currently going through the beginning stages of a situation regarding forgiveness. It is much over-do on my part and has been a long time coming. Since I want to transfer to a different school next year now is the time for me to do it. This is one of the hardest things that I've ever had to do- I'm not very good at owning up when I make mistakes so this is a new thing for me. Hopefully it will be resolved by next week and I can let you all know how it worked out.

     In the mean time, this song has been encouraging me and getting me through. This process has been many months coming, and God's amazing love is the reason that this is happening. I know that He will give me the courage to have the closure that I need. I would greatly appreciate any prayers for stregnth.

     Part three of my "All Things Prom" post series should be out this Friday, and hopefully I'll soon have a post for y'all with the promised screenshots of 100% real  and 100% really embarressing e-mails sent between me and my freshman year of high school crush. I'm telling you guys- they're hilarious! I think we can all learn a few tips from 14 year old Miss ALK on how not to act around your crush. ;-)

     Happy Wednesday!

     xoxo Miss ALK



  1. Praying that everything goes well with this situation.... Where are you transferring to???

    Can't wait for those emails ;)
    Hope you're having a great week!
    Emily <3

  2. Stumbled across your blog, loved it! I'm new to the whole blogging scene, you should follow me back at :). your faith in the Lord is inspiring! xo


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