Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

April 15, 2013

I had Georgia on my mind.

     The Georgia state line sign that I drove past on Saturday said "We're glad you had Georgia on your mind." After a lovely Saturday- I'm sure glad that I did too!:-)

     Last week was really long and stressful, and as the weekend grew closer and closer all I could think about was how much I wanted to spend Saturday lying on a sandy beach somewhere. Unfortunately my college is located in the interior part of North Carolina, and going to the ocean would require a full weekend instead of just a day trip. Luckily for me though I enjoy lake beaches just as much as ocean beaches. Thanks to Google I was able to look up some state parks on lakes that were close enough for me to drive to for the day.

     I was looking at a couple state parks in South Carolina, but then I found Tugaloo State Park. It is located on part of Lake Hartwell, a huge lake that divides the upper parts of Georgia and South Carolina. Tugaloo was located on the Georgia side, and that made me very excited because I'd never been to Georgia before and I love visiting new states. I convinced my sweet friend/French teaching assistant Liane  to join me. She will go back to her home in Paris this summer and I'll miss her dearly, so it was great to spend a day with her at the beautiful lake!


Putting my new sun hat to good use! :-)

     I have long ago come to the conclusion that I'm a beach bum. Going to school in an area that doesn't really have any sort of beaches (salt or fresh water) close by makes me really appreciate the times that I do get to enjoy water, sand and sun. I found myself marvelling over the beauty of God's creation as I lounged on my towel. Between the budding trees, the sunshine sparkling on the water and the bright blue sky, He really is the most amazing artist ever! I think exactly what I needed to do was to take an afternoon to attempt to get tan and enjoy my new bathing suit, chill out, and reflect on the wonders that He has done. All while enjoying a new state! I may have only spent about three or four hours in Georgia, but I can't wait to go back! ;-)

     "They speak on the glorious splendor of your majesty-- and I will meditate on your wonderful works." -Psalm 145:5 (NIV)

     What did all of you do this weekend? Do share! Hope that you're feeling as ready as I am to conquer this new week. Cheers to a happy Monday!

     xoxo Miss ALK


1 comment

  1. There is something so restful about the lake, sand, and sunshine! So glad you got some much needed relaxation.


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