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- iPad or Kindle: I'm currently in the market for my first tablet! I feel a bit behind the times on that- I've made it to 2022 just having my iPhone and a laptop. What really has driven me to wanting a tablet finally is wanting something better than my laptop to stream with in bed. The way that my current apartment bedroom is configured, I wasn't really able to set up my bedroom TV. I miss it a lot on weekends! Not only could I stream shows at home with a tablet, but it would also be so great and lightweight for travel. Anyways, I figure that if I am spending money to get a tablet, it should also be something that I could use as an e-reader, as I do like to read. I'm leaning towards an iPad... but I've heard from people that Kindles are much better to read with. So now I don't know- ha! Maybe I should just get both?
- The language of pop songs: This is the most interesting article that I've read this week! It's all about how explicit language is becoming a lot more common today than decades past for the pop songs sang by young female artists. While I personally don't love hearing explicit language in music (I almost always listen to edited versions of songs on Spotify), I thought there were some really interested perspectives and points in this article.
Weekend recaps:
- Last weekend: I was home in Maine for my high school best friend's bachelorette party!! It was a wonderful weekend of wedding dress shopping and other fun activities like a candle making class, barre fitness class, and yummy food. I'll try to share a separate blog post about the weekend at some point soon! I also got to visit my grandmother briefly at her assisted living facility, which I was glad to do while I was home.
- This weekend: This is actually the only weekend this month that I'll be at home- March is so busy for me! My friend Liane from Charlotte is actually coming up to visit this weekend. I have a Friday dinner reservation and Sunday brunch reservation booked at two favorite local spots- still working on our Saturday plans, but I know we will have a great day whatever we do!
Purchases: No fun purchases for me this week.
- A pretty under $100 spring wedding guest dress option.
- Speaking of spring dresses- a beautiful and more casual wrap dress for warm weather!
- One more dress! I have a printed version of this dress from a couple years ago- I like that it's back in solid colors.
- Have you seen the new Kendra Scott jewelry collection that Emily of Champagne and Chanel designed? I think this bracelet is my favorite piece.
- Hot pink tassel loafer shoes?! You don't have to tell me twice!
Currently reading: The Heart Principle by Helen Huong - I really liked this romance novel at first, but unfortunately I liked it less as I went on. A lot of the plot revolved some sad/heavy things happening to the main characters, and I felt that detracted from the romance. When I read a romance novel, I prefer for them to be more lighthearted (I'll read other types of fiction if I want something heavier). So I didn't love this one... but I'd still read more from this author in the future.
Currently watching: (A new addition for Midweek Ramblings! I find that I often use the Ramblings section of these posts to talk TV, so I'm finally give this topic its own section.) Love is Blind Reunion, How I Met Your Father, The Agency (Netflix reality show about Paris real estate) and Inventing Anna.
Recipe of the week: Raspberry Coconut Muffins from Taste of Lizzy T. - One of my all-time favorite muffin recipes! I love both raspberry and coconut, and they taste great together. These muffins are moist and filling, and they make a great breakfast or snack!
Song of the week: Numb Little Bug by Em Biehold - Interesting lyrics in this new song, but it sounds so happy musically! I think it's a perfect spring bop.
Favorite blog posts of the week:
- Oh What Sight to See - Hannah is the queen of styling classic white button downs! Loved this post where she shared stylish and different ways to wear one.
- The Stripe - Grace shared a full tour of the living room space in her Charleston apartment- it's gorgeous!! I feel like the colors and aesthetic is very similar to my home decor tastes.
- Merrick's Art - I love Merrick's ongoing series where she updates her old outfits from 8-10 years ago, with a more current and fashionable approach!
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