Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

April 28, 2015

Black Diamond Formal 2015.

     This past Saturday night was Alpha Delta Pi's annual Spring Formal, Black Diamond! The weather was a bit chilly and rainy this year, and I knew that wouldn't be idea conditions for pictures. So I was able to get all dolled up the night before, and I headed into Uptown Charlotte with my formal date Max and my future suitemate Caroline and they graciously took a bunch of pictures of me in my dress for my blog! We got to shoot at a bunch of spots in Uptown that I've always wanted to do blog pictures in. Here are those pictures:


Caroline and I finally got a picture by Charlotte's famous Firebird statue in Uptown!

Dress: Marshall's {$29.99! Similar here} || Shoes: Nina || Coat: H&M || Sunglasses: Le Chateau {Canadian store} || Purse: New Look {UK store, Similar here} || Earrings: c/o Gabe's || Necklace: Nine West || Bracelet: Express || Ring: HJ Greek || Lips: MAC lipstick in Sushi Kiss

      And here are some pictures from the actual day of Black Diamond! My friends and I did some indoors in a classroom building that I have done blog pictures in before, and also a few outside when it stopped raining quite as much. My date this year was my friend Max, who I met through my internship with the Ryan Seacrest Foundation! Max and I are the same major and he is the president of our school radio club (which I am an executive officer in), so we see a lot of each other every week. :-) 


My sorority family!

My internship family!

     Lol at the fact that you can see my hair falling and growing frizzier with the progression of the pictures being taken- that's Southern rain and humidity for you!

      Overall, I think that I enjoyed last year's Black Diamond better than this year's. This year we had Formal at a sports bar (traditionally it is held at a country club or estate home), and honestly the latter is more my scene. But I do know that many of my sisters had a great time, and that our Social Chair put a ton of work into planning the event, so I am trying to stay positive about it! Plus Max was a wonderful date (I think he had more fun than I did), and I was able to catch up with some sisters who I haven't seen much during the past couple months because of my crazy schedule!

     To read my recap from last year's Black Diamond, click here!

     Also Lilly Pulitzer fans: remember that the #LillyForTarget link-up is tomorrow!

     Linked below are some similar dresses to mine:

     xoxo Miss ALK



  1. oh girl, that dress looks AMAZING on you!!

  2. You look so gorgeous, lady! That color is YOUR color!

    Diary of a Debutante

  3. So pretty! Looks like you had a great time!


  4. You look so gorgeous in your gown! My friend is an ADPi at the university of Washington and I helped her shop for a dress for her formal that is coming up this weekend. I totally get why you would prefer a formal at a country club (or something a little fancier). My sorority formula were always at bars and I always wished they felt a bit classier.

  5. Wow! You look absolutely amazing!

  6. Formal at a sports bar? Thats a new one! I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that you got a super awesome formal dress at Marshalls! Clearly your Marshalls has far better options than mine does. You look stunning in all of your pictures!

  7. Can we all just take a minute to reflect on how flawless you look in that dress?

  8. So beautiful!! I know you had an amazing time. Love seeing the pics!
    xo, claudia

  9. I love these pictures!! You look beautiful!! Thanks for sharing!

  10. I love your dress! Not too causal or too formal! So fun!

    Anchors and Pearls

  11. You look wonderful in this dress!
    I love all the fun pictures as well.

    xoxo, Jenny || Breakfast at Lillys

  12. That dress though. Omg you look amazing! I love that picture of you and Max! It's so fun. These pictures are all so gorgeous. I definitely understand that gradual frizzy hair struggle. At least you got some awesome pictures in before it got too out of control!

  13. Love that color on you!! Matching the lipstick to your dress was a great idea.

  14. It is hard to believe that dress was only $30! You look like a million bucks! I'm obsessed with how beautiful your hair looks :) Hope you had a great time!

    XX, SS || A Little Seersucker Sass

  15. Okay so this dress is definitely your color! You look absolutely beautiful! Hope you had a blast! xoxo
    Lauren Ashley

  16. That dress is absolutely amazing, I refuse to believe that it was only $30!

    xoxo, SS

    The Southern Stylista


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