Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

April 5, 2015

Resurrection Sunday.

     Easter is my favorite holiday of the whole year. There are so many reasons that I love it: the fact that spring (my favorite season) is finally here, the gorgeous bright colors, the decorations, BUNNIES (my favorite animal), Cadbury Eggs, new Easter dresses.... the list goes on. But all of the falls far short when thinking about the reason for Easter: Jesus's resurrection. Without Jesus, there would be no Easter, and there would also be no Christian faith! Just think about that for a second.

     I love my blog so much, and have especially loved it this year since it's such a great stress relief for me from the crazy school year that I have been having. But throughout sharing all of my fashion and beauty finds with y'all, I never want to stop sharing here that I am a Christian. Blogging can be such a powerful way to share the Gospel, and a way to spread the message of Christ to those who might not seek it out otherwise. I am certainly far from a perfect Christian- I fall short and miss the mark every single day. But thanks to God's grace, I know that I am a new person in Christ! And I do try and live a Christ-centered and moral life. :-)

     I would encourage all of you to read this short Easter devotional, which can be found here. It is very powerful, and definitely gave me a lot to think about and be thankful for!

     On a different note, I came home to Maine for a very quick trip this weekend! Some of you might have been following my trip updates via Instagram and Snapchat (both accounts: @miss_alk). I didn't post anything about coming home prior to my trip because as my April Fool's prank, I surprised one of my best friends who had no idea that I was coming home!! But y'all will hear much more about that in tomorrow's blog post...

Easter table decorations that were waiting for me at home!

     xoxo Miss ALK



  1. Happy Easter! It is one of my favorite holidays as well!

  2. Happy Easter! I am just starting to figure out where I am with my faith. I am so happy you posted this and the Easter devotional. I can't wait to read it. I hope you have a wonderful day!
    xx. Brittany
    Life Like a Twenty Something

  3. Thank you so much for sharing, A! And I agree, it's amazing what God will lay on your heart to write about when you have a blog :) Hope that you made it home safely!

    XX, SS || A Little Seersucker Sass

  4. Happy Easter! I hope you had a wonderful day celebrating Christ's resurrection as well as spending time with your family :)

    xoxo, SS

    The Southern Stylista


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