Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

April 7, 2014

Black Diamond Formal 2014.

     This past Friday was my chapter of Alpha Delta Pi's annual Black Diamond Formal! We have a couple semi-formal events throughout the year, but Black Diamond is the biggest event which everyone looks forward to. Since I just joined ADPi in September this was my first time going!! Here are some pictures of my outfit:

     My dress is from Group USA, which is a prom and formal dress company. They have a large outlet store in a mall near Charlotte, so I went up there a couple months ago with two of my sisters to look at dresses. I actually wasn't planningt o buy a new dress for this event, I was originally going to re-wear my junior prom dress! But I tried this one on "just for fun," and then realized that it was not only a perfect fit, but also about 75% off! So therefore I had to get it, y'all know that I can't pass up a great bargain! ;-)

     I decided not to get my hair done at a salon. Instead I straightened it and pulled a little bit of it back. I think this was the perfect look for this dress, and I also got to save money- win win! My accessories came together in an interesting way: some were things that I'd had for years, such as my floral ring (a gift from my grandmother) and the black bracelet, and other things were newer and bought for this event. 

     Here are some other pictures from the night!

My Big!

Ciera, my best friend from my former college! She was my guest and "date" for Black Diamond.

My sorority family.

     Black Diamond was a very elegant event, and I loved seeing all my sisters dressed up! The event was held at a beautiful estate home in Charlotte. I am already looking forward to next year's event!

     Speaking of sorority stuff, stay tuned soon for a review post of a wonderful company that sells Greek jewelry!

     xoxo Miss ALK


  1. Love the dress you chose! Your hair looks so good too!! Love the high/low dress in the last picture!!

  2. Your dress is gorgeous!

  3. Your dress looks amazing on you! I love how classic the black and gold looks.


  4. Your makeup looks phenomenal!! Love it!


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