Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

August 20, 2014

OOTD: Eyelet & Blue.

     Sharing another outfit from last week's vacation! This was actually that outfit that I wore on the first day of our drive- it probably seems like a dressy outfit for a road trip across Central and Northern Maine, but I wore it because my mom picked me up directly from my last shift at work for the summer and we left from there for our vacation!! (The store that I work at during the summers has a business casual dress code- as a fashion blogger I loved that!) 

     One of our rest stops was to see the campus of Maine's largest public college, the University of Maine. This is a school that I applied to and was accepted to in high school, but never ended up touring because at that point I already had my sights set on schools in Massachusetts and Connecticut. (ironically this was still before I ended up looking in North Carolina- that didn't come until over half through my senior year). Anyways, I thought it would be fun to see UMaine since we'd be passing by it and so many people from my high school ended up going there! The size of the campus absolutely blew me away- it is HUGE!! I don't know how students can stand walking to their classes in the dead of Maine winters in a campus that big... made me happy to be down in Charlotte haha. :-) 

My aunt (my mom's older sister) went to UMaine and this was the dorm she lived her senior year!

     Dress: JC Penney || Cardigan: J. Crew Factory // Sandals: Macy's || Sunglasses: Charming Charlie || Necklace & Ring : {Local boutique} || Bracelet: c/o BStamped  || Nails: Jamberry Nail Wraps in Metallic Gold Pintstripe and Ulta Nail Lacquer in Mint Condition || Lips: Maybelline Baby Lips Dr. Rescue in Pink Me Up

     I actually wanted to title this blog post "Transformation Tuesday" because this dress that I'm wearing was actually my high school graduation dress! But due to some delays in my last minute packing for college the post is actually going up today (Wednesday)... and calling it "Transformation Wednesday" just doesn't have the same ring to it. :-p Anyways, below is the best picture I could find of the dress during my graduation. (This one was hard to find- in most of the pictures from graduation I was wearing my cap and gown!)

     It is always fun to rediscover new ways to style fashion pieces that have been in your closet for awhile! I love this beautiful blue color of this cardigan- is is one of the J. Crew Factory Clare cardigans.  Such a fun, summery blue. (And blue and white were also my high school colors!) My BStamped bracelet happens to be almost the same shade of blue so of course I had to include it as well!

     I can't believe that at this time last week I was just getting ready to leave Canada... and now my dad and I are already on the road and headed to North Carolina for my junior year of college! Where did summer go?!

     Be sure to follow me on Instagram @miss_alk for updates from the drive to school! :-)

     xoxo Miss ALK


  1. I have the same cardigan in navy and a very similar eyelet dress, and I'm planning to wear them together this weekend! Great minds think alike :) This looks great on you!


  2. I also got my graduation dress from JC Penny for high school So funny! This is a gorgeous outfit and I hope you are having a good, safe trip down south! :)

  3. I love that bright blue cardigan! Pretty eyelet dress also! That's cute that you got to wear it again from graduation!

    Michaela || The Monogrammed Midwesterner


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