Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

August 18, 2014

New Brunswick Vacation: Kingsbrae Gardens nature photography.

     On the first day of our New Brunswick, Canada vacation, my mom and I visited a beautiful botantical garden called Kingsbrae Gardens. It was right down the road from our hotel in St. Andrews. The weather was absolutely lovely that afternoon, and the natural lighting was perfect for photography! As I have already mentioned, I chose to do a social media fast while on vacation, but that didn't include my camera! ;-) In fact, this trip gave me time to get to explore my camera a bit more and to begin to experiment with its manual settings (It is a higher end Canon Powershot digital camera [one of the higher models you can go before crossing into DSLR territory] and normally I use use the auto settings). I wanted to share some of the photos that I got to take in Kingsbrae Gardens with y'all!

The Gardens had a replica Dutch windmill! 

One of my favorite pictures!

Sweet little alpacas!!

And goats!!

Check out these teapots being used as flower pots in a tree!! Too cute!

Do you see the "lady" ?? :-)

This plant was in the edible garden and smelled just like vanilla!

     And my favorite pictures of all:

     If you know me, you know that I have a HUGE slight obsession with bunnies. They are my favorite animal! In addition to the goats, peacocks and alpacas, Kingsbrae Gardens also had two adorable bunnies!! One of them gave me a nose kiss through its hutch... I was in love!

     And of course, I had to get a jumping picture!! ;-)

     I wore my ADPi letters on this day of our trip, and in Kingsbrae Gardens I happened to meet a sister of Alpha Delta Pi!! She was a woman a bit older then my mom, who had been a member of the University of Georgia chapter, and her husband spotted my letters. New Brunswick is probably the last place that I would have expected to meet sorority sisters, but that is what I love about being in a sorority like ADPi- you just never know when sisters will find you! :-)

     Our afternoon in Kingsbrae Gardens was just lovely! I love visiting Botanical Gardens and this year I really want to visit some of the ones that are in North Carolina.

     Stay tuned for more pictures from our vacation!

     xoxo Miss ALK


  1. What a beautiful place!!! Love all the cute animals :)

  2. Oh my goodness, I LOVE these photos!! What beautiful, breathtaking snippets of nature. Thanks for sharing girl!! I hope packing is going well :)

  3. Your pictures came out great! Your favorites are also mine. The landscaping is beautiful there! It must have been so calming. Thank you for sharing! (Especially sharing the bunny picture - I have to admit, that's my absolute favorite...because it is you with a bunny. Two of my favorite things! ;) )

    See you later!

  4. these pictures are unbelievably beautiful! so vibrant and shiny and beautiful! hoped you had an amazing time


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