Is it just me, or did March go by really quickly this year? March was always my least favorite month growing up: it always seemed so much longer then the other months, and the weather is usually disgusting in Maine during that time. I thought that last year's March would be better since I was down South, but I was sick for most of the month (and ended up in Maine) so that March seemed even longer than usual! But this year it just went by so quickly! But I'm not complaining: now that March is past, warmer weather is just around the corner!
Looking back at my March goals I am slightly embarrassed... I didn't do a very good job at finishing them! Here's a brief recap and update:
1. Figure out my class schedule for fall AND summer. Check!! But mainly because class sign-ups were at a mandatory date and time. ;-) But anyways, my class schedule is in place for both the summer and fall! I haven't formally announced this on my blog yet, but I am staying in Charlotte this summer, and I'll be doing two summer classes. Not because I'm behind in school- it's quite the opposite, I'm trying to get ahead so I can hopefully graduate a semester early! But more on that another time...
2. Renew my passport. I can say that I actually didn't do this on purpose! There's a chance that when I visit home in May I might be going to Canada for my best friend Jules's birthday, and I was worried that a new passport wouldn't arrive in time. My current one expires in June, so I would be just making it in time to still go to Canada. I'm planning to renew it now after Canada while I'm still home, so this will re-appear on my May goals.
3. Begin two term papers. Uhhhh fail. #ProcrastinationNation ....but the good news is I still have five days to do one and two weeks to do the other! So hopefully I'll be fine. :-)
4. Blog friendships. Check!! I got to meet up with sweet Kristin from the blog Lily and Lace! We met for lunch last weekend and then I showed her around my college campus. I hope that I can meet-up with Kristin again soon, and hopefully some more Charlotte bloggers!
5. Get everything I need for upcoming ADPi events. Technically another fail, because I got the last few things that I needed for Black Diamond formal yesterday, and yesterday was April! Ooops. Anyways, it's been a busy past couple weeks with my sorority; our biggest philanthropy event of the year was last weekend, this past week was Greek Week at my college, and TONIGHT is our big formal! Look for all sorts of pictures next week. :-)
And here are my goals for April 2014:
1. Do well on my final exams. Not a fun goal, but one that still must be written. And I think it's kind of self-explanatory haha.
2. Start running. One thing that I have never been good at is running. I started running a little bit in 12th grade when I had a gym membership, but I never kept up with it (or got past the one mile mark on the treadmill... just being honest). I know that I'm not cut out to run great distances, but I think it would be cool to work my way up to a 5k in a year or so! Plus, one of my good friends from my former college has started running and is blogging about it, and that's definitely inspiring me! (Check out my friend Becca's running journey here on her blog!) I have pinned a few beginner's treadmill running schedules to my Pinterest, and I think April is the month to start putting those to use! My ultimate running goal is to be able to run by the beautiful beaches in my hometown when I go home in May, so I need to get working! Plus one of my New Year's resolutions for 2014 was to be my physically active, and running is definitely that!
3. Have fun at my formal events. April is going to be a very fancy month! Tonight is my sorority's biggest formal of the year, and at the end of the month I'm headed out to my former college to attend their annual Spring Formal. I love dressing up, so I'm excited for both events!
4. Continue working on my freshman year scrapbook. I didn't get any work done on this in March, but it would be awesome if I was able to finish it before I go home in May! That way when I come back to school for the summer I can start working on my sophomore scrapbook, and then be all caught up by the time junior year starts in August!
These were the only goals that I could think of for this month!! Two easy ones, and two harder ones. I hope that April goes by a little bit slower then March, partly because I adore the early Spring weather that's been hitting Charlotte this week, and partly because I'm dreading finals! But at the same time I'm getting very excited to visit Maine in May. I have been a bit homesick over the past couple of months which has been hard. I don't usually get homesickness, so it's all kind of new to me. But I've gotten through it, and am excited for another month here in Charlotte! :-)
Do you have any goals for this month?
xoxo Miss ALK
April 4, 2014
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Can't wait to see what you wear tonight!
ReplyDeleteHope that you have a blast tonight!
ReplyDeleteXX, SS || A Little Seersucker Sass
I really want to start running - I've seen lots of bloggers share their journey and it's inspiring me to start!
ReplyDeleteThe Life & Times of Belle