Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

September 13, 2013

The Dailies.

     Since I am currently in the middle of Formal Recruitment from the sororities at my school (And dealing with a half broken laptop that suddenly will not pick-up wireless internet... I will be visiting the Apple Store this weekend.) I don't have time for a "real" post today, but I wanted to invite y'all to take a peak at my finally updated "Daily Reads" page on my blog! Back when I had my new blog design installed earlier this summer, I knew that I wanted to have a page where I could show off all of my favorite reads, but I read *so* many blogs that it's taken me awhile to compile this list! Anyways, on it you'll find a six categories:

  • People that I know in real life who blog (aka did not meet them through the blogging world)
  • Lifestyle bloggers who I have been following for a long time and/or become friends with
  • More lifestyle bloggers
  • Fashion bloggers
  • Fellow members of The Charlotte Social
  • Fellow members of the Her Campus Blogging Network

     Feel free to check out my daily reads page to see if your button is on it! :-) And if I just listed your blog's URL in text form then it means that I couldn't find a blog button on your blog.

Southern Belle In Training

     Also- this would be a great time for me to talk again about how sponsorships work on Southern Belle in Training. I don't do paid sponsorships, so my policy is very simple. I will display your blog's button on my homepage if you will display mine! It's that easy. Please e-mail me at if you're interested in swapping!

     Be sure to check back here on Monday to find out which sorority has become my Greek home!!! :-)

     xoxo Miss ALK


  1. Ah! Good luck with recruitment... it can be kind of stressful and crazy! hope you're liking college so far :)

  2. I just graduated from UNC Charlotte and was my president of my sorority there! Going Greek was one of the best decisions of my life :-) I hope you are enjoying recruitment week!!!


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If you have a question in regards to one of my posts, or just want to say hi, the best way to get ahold of me is by e-mailing me directly at: I am better about responding to e-mails than blog comments sometimes!

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