Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

September 12, 2013

Favorite Things Thursday: Violet colored nail polish.

     I love nail polish... like kind of *a lot*. I realize that I haven't talked much about my favorite polishes here on the blog. I'm determined to change that! But anyways, I thought that a fun idea for an FFT post would be to talk about my favorite color of nail polish:

Southern Belle In Training

     Violet colored nail polishes are my favorite. I think that light purple polish is something that looks good at all times of the year. (And if you're picky there's certain shades that are better for summer and winter!) It's a fun alternative to traditional pinks and reds, but it's not quite as "out there" as say neon yellow polish. Blue is my favorite color and also my favorite color to wear in terms of clothing, and shades of violet are usually nice compliments. Below are my two favorite violet polishes!!

1. Sally Hansen Hard As Nails Color in No Hard Feelings

     This was the violet polish that started my obsession with violet nail polish. My high school friend H gave me this in part of her Christmas present to me in 2011. I think she mainly picked it out because a few of us in our friend group had an inside joke about the color purple... but I'm sure glad she got it for me! This is the best drugstore nail polish that I've ever seen. It is so easy to apply, and this is the one nail polish that never gets all over the skin on my fingers when I'm putting it on! There's just something about the brush that makes it go all where it's supposed to. If you use a top coat with it than it stays on for just as long as the nicer brands such as Essie! I'm also shocked as to how dark this looks in the picture-- it's actually quite a light violet once it's on the nails! This is a quintessential Spring nail color, but I use it at all times during the year. 

2. Essie in "Boxer Shorts"

Image from Yahoo! Images

      I just received this nail polish as a birthday present last week from some of my new friends. I've only had the chance to wear it once so far (I put it on both my nails and toes), but I LOVE it! It's definitely a cooler and darker violet than my favorite Sally Hansen polish, but that makes it perfect for fall and winter. I think it looks especially great on my toes! I have said before on my blog how I hate spending money for the "good" brands of nail polish (I usually only buy ones that are $3 or under) so I was thrilled to get two new Essie polishes for my birthday. If you're willing to make the splurge for Essie than this is a great color to try!! 

     Do you ladies like shades of violet for your nails? What is your go-to nail color?

     Hope that y'all are having a great end to your weeks! Rush week at my school for the sororities starts TONIGHT! I literally *cannot wait* and I guarentee that I'm more excited for recruitment than I was for my own birthday. ;-) I'm just so excited to find my sisters and my Greek home!! Be checking my Instagram this weekend for updates on my recruitment outfits, and I can't wait to tell y'all on Monday which sorority I will be a member of!

     xoxo Miss ALK



  1. I have been wanting to try to Essie, but I'm like you I don't like spending that much!! That's the only thing that holds me back from buying it! oooh, have fun tonight!!!

  2. I'm not a purple lover, but I really like these colors!! Good luck with Rush


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