- Hurricanes and hospitals: This news story from the AP about the hospitals in Louisiana that were overwhelmed with COVID patients when Hurricane Ida hit last week was very impactful to read. God bless all of the healthcare heroes who braved the scary storm and stayed with the COVID patients who were too sick to be evacuated. This is a humbling read for sure but an important one.
- 9/11 20 year anniversary: This weekend marks the 20th anniversary of 9/11. Another article that I found fascinating to read this week was this piece from the Washington Post that followed what life was like in the summer of 2001 for several Americans whose lives all changed after 9/11. It is an interesting look back at pop culture and politics before 9/11 changed everything.
- TikTok fun: Those last two ramblings were kind of heavy, so here's something more lighthearted. Despite the fact that I held out on getting it for so long, I am now really enjoying having TikTok- haha!! I still wouldn't consider myself addicted, but I do enjoy spending 10-15 minutes a day on there watching videos (normally silly cat and farm animal videos). I have also been posting a little bit on my own account- only a few videos a month but still! Follow me @miss_alk if you're also on there.
Weekend recaps:
- Last weekend: My high school best friend Julia came down from Maine to spend the long weekend with me! My 27th birthday (and 9th blogiversary) was also on Monday. So much excitement in just a few days! Julia and I had a wonderful visit filled with lots of time outdoors in the beautiful weather, exploring the area, and good food. I hope to have time later this month to do a birthday weekend recap blog post!
- This weekend: Highly recommend making plans in the same week to see two of your best friends. 😊I am flying out to Texas tomorrow to visit my college best friend / former roommate, Ciera! It's been three long years since we have seen each other in person and this weekend is so overdue.
- I can't find either of these specific items online as they were both clearance rack finds- but I found a cute pair of floral shorts and a red, white and blue striped tank top at a local Dillard's last week!
- I've mainly been browsing fall clothes lately, but since it will still be warm here at the beach for several more weeks, this bright sundress in the blue pattern caught my eye! And it's such a bargain!!
- And these beautiful sundresses are the (much more expensive 😉but beautiful) designer versions of the one listed above.
- I need a few more basic fall tops for the upcoming season for layering and wearing with scarves, and love the options from this brand.
Currently reading: Guest House for Young Widows by Azadeh Moaveni - One of the most interesting and thought-provoking books that I have ever read. This book follows 13 young women from Africa, the Middle East and Europe, who are all lured and recruited to join and support ISIS. I learned a lot about terrorism and the politics of many smaller nations that I previously didn't know much about. If you enjoy learning about religious cults, I think you'd enjoy this book a lot.
Song of the week: Stereo Hearts by Gym Class Heroes ft. Adam Levine - I downloaded a bunch of 2010-2012 songs on my phone for Julia and I to listen to in the car over the weekend (songs from our high school years), and this was one of them! I always forget how catchy this is and how much I used to love this song back in the day.
Favorite blog posts of the week:
- Carly The Prepster - Even though I'm still a long time away from the life stage about thinking about having children, I enjoy reading about other women's birth and motherhood experiences. I so appreciate Carly's honesty in sharing her struggles with her first couple weeks of motherhood.
- Juliana Grace Blog Space - Juliana's book review posts are some of my favorites- I want to add a bunch of her summer reads to my to-read list for this fall!
- Girl Meets Bow - Gentry and her husband Rob took the cutest photos to celebrate their daughter Eliza's six month birthday! It is such a sweet post Gentry wrote about motherhood so far.
On the blog this week:
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