Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

October 14, 2019

FALL HAUL: Amazon + J. Crew Factory Try-On.

     Mondays are better with a little virtual shopping, right? The number one thing that I was requested to do more of on my blog from my last reader survey was to do more try-on hauls! To be perfectly honest- I don't always love watching when other bloggers share these on their Instagram Stories. I'd personally rather read a blog post seeing photos of an outfit all styled rather than dressing room like videos of it. That's just me though! 😊Clearly y'all really do enjoy these. I'll never be the type of blogger who shares them weekly (or goodness forbid daily haha!), but my goal is to do some every couple months for y'all. 

     I've recently done a good bit of shopping at Amazon and J. Crew Factory (with one item from Walmart as well), so I wanted to share everything for y'all for easy fall shopping! I tried to make sure most of my purchases over the last month were versatile picks that could be styled many different ways for fall and winter. I think I did pretty well, and I think y'all will like these items too! 

    My sizing info: I am a size 4/6 (depends on clothing brand), 28 in jeans, and my height is 5'7. I normally wear a 9 in women's shoes but both pairs featured today I went down to an 8.5

This post contains affiliate links. Thank you for supporting Southern Belle in Training!
Amazon Moto Jacket - size M (comes in multiple colors) - under $50

Amazon hat - one size fits all (comes in tons of colors) - under $15 // Bodysuit c/o {use code alk315 for 15% off}

Amazon sweater - size S - under $30 // Amazon lululemon dupe leggings - size S - under $30 // Walmart sneakers - go half size down - under $20 //

Amazon OTK boots (comes in multiple colors) - go half size down - under $50

Amazon Metallic Pearl Headbands (set of 3, comes in multiple color options) - under $20

J. Crew Factory Flannel (comes in multiple colors) - sized up to M for looser fit - under $40

J.Crew Factory Tissue Turtleneck (comes in multiple colors)- sized up to M - under $25

J. Crew Factory Tissue Turtleneck (comes in multiple colors) -sized up to M - under $25 // J. Crew Factory jeans - TTS size 28 - under $50 on sale 

     Happy fall shopping! Everything featured is also linked below:

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     God Bless,

     xoxo Annaliese


  1. How fun! I completely agree that virtual shopping makes Monday better. I love all of these pieces, especially the plaid top and leopard.

  2. Such great picks! Love the longer lengths sweater and the striped turtleneck.
    I too prefer blog posts over instagram try on sessions.
    Ellibelle's Corner

  3. You started with that jacket and I am floored!! It looks so high quality! I never would have guessed it came from amazon.

  4. J. Crew factory is one of my go-tos. Love everything from there, especially the price!


  5. I picked up one of the tissue turtlenecks this year too, and cannot wait to wear it! Such a classic and easy to mix piece.


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