Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

June 28, 2019

What I Wore to Work: June 2019

     I feel like I blinked and the month of June flew by. Happy summer y'all! My work outfits are always more colorful and fun in the warmer months, so I'm excited to share mine from this month in today's post. National Wear Your Lilly Day fell on June 21st this year, and I wore Lilly for a whole week to work leading up to that. If you're new to my work outfit recaps, I share outfit details for all of these on my LiketoKnow.It page, instead of linking each photo here! I also share my top fashion items from the month at the end of the post. 

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Favorite Fashion Items of June 2019: 

     Thanks as always for reading! This is the first week in awhile that I managed to get five blog posts up, so I feel very productive! Wishing you a great weekend- I'm headed to Richmond later today for a fun overnight stay.

      God Bless,

      xoxo Annaliese 



  1. All your fun, colorful outfits just make me happy!! :) Can't believe it will be July on monday- where is the year going???

  2. I love these outfits. The one with the jean skirt is so pretty and girly!
    - Genevieve

  3. Ahh I love this so much and June really has flown by. I have so many similar pieces and this inspires me to wear my non-work items with a jacket to make it work. I am so bad about forgetting to do that.


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