Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

January 13, 2016

Midweek Ramblings + Recent Purchases.

{Follow on Instagram and Snapchat @miss_alk!}

  • Blog friends turned real-life friends: I spent this past weekend visiting my dear friend D- the lovely lady behind the blog Seersucker Sass! (Also shown in the picture above!) In addition to both being co-admins of the Millennial Blogger Network, we have been following each other's blog's for quite some time. When I finally realized that D lived in eastern and not western Tennessee, which isn't actually that far of a drive from Charlotte, I knew that I had to plan a visit to meet her! We had the most wonderful weekend. She and her boyfriend (and their sweet pets!) were the greatest hosts, and we all fell asleep early on Saturday night because we were tired from all of the sightseeing! Something that really surprised me about our weekend is how little we actually talked about blogging. It definitely came up over the few days we were together, but I loved how we have been able to build a completely normal friendship that just happened to be started through the online world! 
  • Last semester is on: I am halfway through my first week of classes for my last semester of college! It is already more intense than I thought it would be. I have the most interesting schedule this semester- I have three night classes each week, and 8 a.m.'s two days a week. My afternoons leave me opportunities for work and lots of time to do homework. I'm hoping to really utilize my afternoons well for productivity so that I can stay on top of all of my work! 
  • Spotify Premium: A couple of weeks ago I finally made the splurge and bought a Spotify Premium subscription. I have been using Spotify daily for my music streaming needs since my freshman year of college, and I thought that it might be nice to listen ad-free. I love it way more than I thought I would! Definitely worth the $5 a month (the student price!). With premium you can also download playlists onto your phone to listen to them data-free, such as in the car... however, my phone is too old and too full on storage to currently utilize this feature, ha! Do any of you use Spotify Premium? 

  • My weekend trip to Tennessee brought the chance to add two more mugs from the Starbucks You Are Here collection to my growing display of their fun mugs!! I am absolutely obsessed with this way of documenting my travels. :-) Check out this fun blog here which lists all of the locations that are featured in the You Are Here collection! 
  • I swear... between my Starbucks mugs and more, glassware of all types is my new favorite thing to collect! So excited to now own these beauties as well! 
  • I featured this in one of my outfit posts from last week, but I am finally the owner of a Kate Spade watch! I have been lusting over these from afar for many years now, and am so happy to finally have one of my own- such timeless pieces! (Mine is available here!)

     Happy Wednesday, y'all! We have made it to the middle of the week! Stay tuned because I am so excited about the outfit posts that I'll be sharing on Friday and next Monday. 

      xoxo Miss ALK


  1. So happy to hear that you had a fun weekend with Seersucker and Sass! We should def plan a meet up sometime soon considering how close we are to each other! haha.
    P.S. Your school schedule sounds like mine... I pretty much have night classes every day and two morning classes. I hate it! I hope your last semester goes well! (:

    Amy |

  2. looks like you had an awesome weekend! I have always wanted to collect those "you are here" starbucks mugs! x, kenz

  3. This sounds so fun! It must have been great to meet D, and I'm so excited for you that you only have one semester left of classes. I have two semesters left, but it may be possible for me to graduate in August instead of December - fingers crossed! Also YES, I love Spotify!

  4. That's so awesome that blogging connections have turned into real, tangible friendships!

    Kayla | Keynotes from Kay

  5. I love that you and Dana have become such good friends! That's so awesome and fun!!

    I'm obsessed with Spotify! I pay $20 a month... I didn't know they had a student discount!?! omg!

  6. My school schedule is exactly like yours... Except for a class at 9:30, all my classes are from 2pm on. Good luck on your last semester of college, enjoy it!

    Ane | Basque Prep

  7. Doing mid week ramblings is such a good idea! So happy you have become such close friends with another blogger- so neat! Good luck with your last semester! Classes don't start till the 19th for me.

    Amanda ||

  8. Only two more days and you've survived your last first week of undergrad!

  9. So fun that you got to meet up with D, I love her blog! I use Spotify mainly on my computer, I really need to download the app! Good luck on your last semester, Annaliese!


  10. Aw! I love that you two got to meet up!! It sounds like you had a fabulous weekend! I LOVE the You Are Here mugs! I just picked up the Disneyland one at the Starbucks in Disney, but it was definitely hard not buying all of the cute California ones while we were down there!

    xo Ashley

  11. It sounds you had a nice day, love this post and best wishes to you!

  12. I have a whole shelf in my cupboard for Starbucks mugs. I can't resist them!!

  13. I love the starbucks mugs! I have such an addiction! I'll have to check out this collection! EEE :)

    Sugar & Something

  14. Meeting up with fellow bloggers is always so much fun, and it sounds like you had such a great weekend. Also, I've been dying to get Spotify Premium--the adds are getting way too tiresome. Perhaps I should splurge a bit...

  15. Looks like so much fun! And I love the KS watches!

  16. I’ve been thinking about doing Spotifiy Premium too. $5 for a student price is awesome!

  17. So awesome about your update with college,travel, and making new friendships! :)


  18. Sounds like you had a wonderful time in TN. I really love that state. I have been using Spotify Premium a lot lately, I took a break last semester and used up my 3 months of Apple Music subscription, but I ultimately went back to my first love of Spotify. The student price doesn't hurt either!

  19. I LOVE Spotify Premium! Its my favorite for road trips. And I'm so glad you got to meet up with D!


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