Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

February 16, 2013


     I hate rejection.

     That's really all that this posts comes down to. I applied to be an RA (resident advisor) for next year at my college. I was recruited a few weeks ago while on my way to lunch in the caf by a staff member for housing. After a brief conversation he told me that he thought I'd make a great RA and encouraged me to apply. I learned that RA's make a better salary then I thought and also got to use their leadership skills to plan events for residents of the buildings they were assigned to. This sounded like the perfect job for me- flexible and sporadic hours as well as getting a chance to be a leader in campus.

     RA training was last Saturday. It started at 8 a.m. sharp which means that I sacrificed my sleep-in time to go to this. There were only 13 or 15 students trying out, so the odds were technically in all of our favors. Training involved lots of group activities and ended with an interview. I tried to stay positive and do the best that I could. I was told I'd find out if I got the job or not by 5 p.m. today.

     My e-mail came around 4:55 this afternoon (talk about waiting until the last minute). One of my good friends was also going out for being an RA and she'd found out earlier in the day that she got the job. I was so excited... and then my spirits were quickly crushed when I found out that it didn't happen for me.

     Tears came to my eyes and I kept wondering "Why didn't they want me? What did I not have that the other students did?" I was so excited and I knew that I would have given my full dedication to this job, so I just didn't get it.

     But I'm trying to remember that God has a great plan for my life, and I suppose that being an RA my sophomore year of college just wasn't what He wanted. I'm trying to stay open minded and realize that by not being an RA it means that I'll have more time next year and that could open the door to another great opportunity that I might not even know about now. I'm taking comfort in this bible verse:

     "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.'" -Jeremiah 29:11(NIV)

     I'm sorry if this post had such a negative mood to it, but I really needed to vent about this. This weekend I am away in Tennessee (my first time there!) with the French club from my college for our winter retreat so hopefully this will provide me with a nice distraction and allow me to let go of my dissapointment. Expect some fashion posts next week!

     xoxo Miss ALK


  1. It's okay. It's amazing how sometimes God breaks our will so that he can accomplish his...that will ultimately result in our good! :) :)

  2. Thank-you so much for your kind words, Sarah!!

    xoxo Miss ALK


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