Welcome to the first-edition of the reimagined Midweek Ramblings blog posts! For years, I shared a weekly update post on Wednesdays that would document things I was loving, watching, cooking, reading, buying, and more. Even though these blog posts were simple, they remained quite popular in page views over the years! It was also kind of nice for me to have a past record of what was going on in my day-to-day life each week for years.
Since coming back to blogging following my blogging break earlier this year, I knew that I really wanted to scale back on blog posts (to keep things enjoyable and fun). That means I just can't commit to a Midweek Ramblings post every single week anymore. But- the idea hit me recently, what about a Monthly Midweek Ramblings post? It might not be quite the same format as the old posts, and only once a month instead of weekly, but the thought of that did make me happy. So we are trying it! 😊
September 2022:
{A beautiful late September beach day at North End Beach in Virginia Beach!}
Highs of the month:
- Most tax-paying Virginians received surprise $250 tax rebate checks in the mail this month! A surprise check in the mail is always exciting.
- Some fun news shows to watch on Netflix when I had Covid- I enjoyed binging Partner Track and Selling the OC.
- A great 9-hole round of golf on a beautiful evening with my friend Stephanie.
- Having Covid for the first time when I had it. 😢 The timing was just awful!! I tested positive less than 24 hours before Ryan and I were supposed to fly to Maine. It was going to be his first time meeting my family and Maine friends. Even more special than that.... Ryan is the first guy I've ever invited home to Maine with me. So just the fact he was coming at all was a really big deal. It was also supposed to be my first-time home for my birthday weekend in 11 years! Although we were thankfully able to cancel the flights and get credits, I was still pretty devastated (and still am a little bit). I was still in quarantine on my actual birthday and didn't really do much for it this year. Covid itself was pretty mild for me- but the timing made it so much worse.
- My car insurance policy increasing significantly, despite the fact I haven't moved and haven't had changes in driving record this year. (When I called my insurance they said it was just "inflation".) I know I probably need to price shop around with other car insurance companies, but I keep forgetting to.
- Needing more surprise dental work this month, with two more cavities getting filled in September. No idea why 2022 has been such a bad year for my teeth, but my bank account would really appreciate 2023 being better!
- 2-4th - The height of Covid for me. Quarantined Labor Day Weekend, and also a quarantined birthday weekend. Boo! Other than some reading and some Netflix watching, I didn't do anything.
- 9-11th - Friday and Saturday of this weekend I was still home with Covid. Sunday was my first day back to normal life, and I ran a bunch of errands that afternoon!
- 16-18th - A busy one! My friend Caroline came to visit from Richmond! I had a work event on Friday afternoon at The Yard Milkshake Bar in Virginia Beach, so Caroline came along with me and then we went to dinner after. The next day, we went to brunch at the Oceanfront, and then went to check out a farm in Chesapeake that was having a fall festival. After Caroline headed home, I went to meet some Junior League friends for drinks and food that evening. On Sunday, I went to Williamsburg with some coworkers to volunteer at the St. Jude Walk/Run, and that afternoon Ryan and I finally got to hang out after not seeing each other for awhile! (I had Covid and then he was out of town the week after).
- 23-25th - An even busier weekend than the previous one! I worked in my radio station's tent before a local country concert on Friday night. I was sleepy after a long week, so I didn't end up staying to watch the show. My dad had been in town on his way to the Outer Banks, and on Saturday morning Ryan and I met him for breakfast. I was so glad Ryan finally got to meet at least one of my parents! I then headed to my friend Amanda's baby shower which was very fun! After that, I had a brief wine date meeting with the president of my chapter of Junior League. And finally, Saturday concluded with date night with Ryan at Macaroni Grill. (Our first date in a full month!) On Sunday, I went on a solo day trip to Richmond! I visited my friend Kendall and her family, and then treated myself to a shopping afternoon at Short Pump, which is one of my favorite malls. I hadn't been to Short Pump since before moving to Virginia Beach, so it was great to be back there.
- After being pretty good about not shopping much the whole summer (and selling some things on Poshmark and to local consignment shops), I did a good amount of shopping this month which was fun. I'll start with my Lilly Pulitzer sale buys! I bought the cutest tweed cardigan on sale. The exact one sold out, but this one is similar (mine is just aqua colored).
- I also bought a new classic Lilly shift dress in the sale! (The exact one is sold out.) I will say- the classic shift styles have no stretch to them, and for this one I went up a size from my normal, and I'm glad I did!
- I treated myself to my second-ever pair of Lululemon Align leggings! I got them in a pretty hot pink color. I love Lulu stuff but find it very expensive for what it is, so it isn't often that I splurge at this store.
- I've needed new black dress pants for awhile, and finally replaced those in my closet this month. Such a staple piece to have!
- I added this darling white blouse to my closet this month- white tops are another staple for me (At all times of the year! Not just summer).
- This cropped turtleneck feels so trendy and cool for fall (Gen Z vibes!) - excited to style it with jeans and skirts. It's also made of the softest material!
- While I was in Richmond a couple weekends ago, I had to use my Kendra Scott birthday month discount at their Shorth Pump store.This year I got this layered necklace, and I've already been wearing it at least a few days a week- I'm obsessed!
- This wasn't a purchase but actually a birthday gift from my friend Caroline, but I still wanted to share it. How cute is this silky turtleneck mini dress?!

Love that you're still doing it!