Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

September 27, 2016

Britney Spears Piece of Me Las Vegas: Concert Recap.

     I was in Las Vegas for Labor Day Weekend and as an early 22nd birthday celebration earlier this month. The highlight of the trip, and quite honestly the reason that the trip came into being, was so that I could fulfill my lifelong dream of seeing Britney Spears live in concert. Britney has had a residency at Planet Hollywood in Vegas since December 2013, and I knew that I would never forgive myself if I didn’t make it out there to see her perform before her show ended. I traveled to Vegas with my current roommate Ciera, and one of her good friends Priyanka (who has also become a friend of mine!). We all couldn't wait to see Britney perform at last!

Performing 'Til the World Ends
     Britney's residency was just recently extended through 2017, but at the time that I booked the trip her last shows were still planned for September 2016, so I was able to get in just in the knick of time! I’m on a pretty strict budget this year, as I’m paying for broadcasting school myself  (and my college student loan payments begin next month as well...), but I justified making one sort of crazy financial decision and using a good deal of my graduation money for the Vegas trip! While a lot of my 2016 has been wonderful, there have been some very low points as well, and I knew that living out my dream of seeing Britney in Vegas was exactly what I needed to look forward to. 

   Britney Spears performs at The AXIS concert venue inside of Planet Hollywood, which is located right on the Las Vegas Strip. The AXIS is a more intimate concert hall then some of the other ones on the Strip- there really isn't a bad seat in the place! Britney's tickets are not on the cheap side, so we opted to sit further away. Our seats were in section 206 and the tickets cost around $160 a piece. Even though we weren't in a front section, the venue is small enough that we still felt very close to the stage! The concert hall reminded me a lot of my church in Charlotte (Granted I do attend a very large church!), but I feel like you couldn't really have a bad seat no matter what section you were in. 

      We arrived to Planet Hollywood very early, before the doors opened to concert. And once the doors did open, it was another half hour or so until the ushers let people go in and take their seats. But the wait for the concert to begin was almost as much fun as the show itself! In the lobby area of The AXIS, there were displays of some of Britney's most famous concert, awards show, and music video outfits. Of course I had to take a photo with the iconic Oops!...I Did It Again red jumpsuit!

     There was a great playlist of really fun and upbeat dance music that played for about an hour before the show began. But at long last, it was finally time for the main event: Ms. Spears! 

Performing Circus

Performing Toxic (with a jungle twist)

      I basically filled up my phone with pictures from the concert, but later on when I went back and looked at most of them I realized that the majority were blurry- probably due to the fact that I was dancing and singing my (off-key) heart out while also snapping away! So I'm only sharing a couple. I will say though that Britney's performance value of her show was mind-blowing. The lights (especially the lights!), interesting twists on classic hits, her outfits, and most of all, the dancing, was just incredible to see live and first-hand. 100% worth the trip to Vegas! From the time that the show began to almost two hours later when it ended, Britney literally did not stop moving. She was like a dancing Energizer Bunny machine. Absolutely unbelievable! Her dance moves are off-the-charts, and most certainly put mine to shame. ;-)

     My one complaint about the concert is that the set-list seemed to be very focused on some of her later albums, like Blackout and Circus. Britney's most recent album, Glory, also released about a week before we saw her in concert, so naturally she had mixed songs from this album into the setlist as well. Every single song that she performed was fantastic (I can't stress this enough!), but as someone who idolized Britney when I was a little girl and is still obsessed with 90s/early 2000s music, I was a little bit sad that the show didn't focus more on those albums. For example, she performed a brief medley of Oops...! I Did It Again and Baby One More Time... - those are two incredible songs on their own that I don't think ever should be mashed together! But maybe that's just me. Either way, the bottom line is that she was still phenomenal to see live. 

     I didn't shoot any outfit posts in Vegas, as we were only there for the weekend and I wanted to take that weekend off from the blog. But I did write a post last week about some of our favorite restaurants on the Strip that we ate at that are perfect for travelers on a budget- be sure to check out the post if you haven't! Vegas is one of my favorite vacation spots ever, and I know this was definitely not my last trip! (Especially since the Backstreet Boys just announced last week that they're starting their residency next year.... Lord help me!)

     xoxo Miss ALK


  1. What a fun weekend. Britney Spears concert and time spent in Las Vegas. Happy Birthday :)

  2. Oh girl, it's my dream to see Britney in Vegas too! She's the ultimate for me! So exciting that you go to see the show and some of her outfits! Hopefully I'll make it out to see it all before it ends. xx Merisa | Monogrammed Magnolias

  3. Everybody I know has been going to this show lately is seems like! all weekend I kept seeing people on snapchat there! It looks so fun!

    Rachel |

  4. Happy Belated Birthday!!! And congrats on finally getting to see Britney in concert. Sounds like it was a great trip!

  5. I'm so happy that you got to see her show while you were in Vegas. I've heard she's a wonderful, larger-than-life (hello, Backstreet Boys) performer. I'm also bummed to hear that she didn't mix in any of her early, early music because they are arguably the most popular.

  6. My husband and I are looking at going to Las Vegas next summer... we will HAVE to see BSB!!

  7. That looks so fun!!! I would love to go to vegas!

  8. This looks like so much fun! I am SO jealous!

    Kirsten |

  9. What a fun trip! I've loved seeing Instagrams and posts about your trip- I know what a huge Britney fan you are so it was so exciting to read all about your travels!


  10. I haven't seen Britney Spears in concert since I was in like 6th grade! This sounds like such a fun show.


  11. This sounds like such an amazing experience! I was a Britney superfan when I was younger, and I still jam out to her older stuff. I would love to see her live! I'm glad you had a blast! What a fun way to celebrate your birthday!

  12. I am seriously jealous of this trip!

    xo Kylie

  13. I LOVE Britney! I went to her concert (twice haha!) when she was touring and loved that it was like watching a show. It's on my bucket list to go see her perform in Vegas!! Sounds like you had a lot of fun!

  14. This would be all my childhood dreams come true! Too fun

  15. Great photos! I would like to visit her concert for sure. For the last few days, I waslooking for a service which gonna help me to buy a tickets with a good discounts and I stopped at I really like it.


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