Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

December 8, 2014

It's that time of the year again: textbook shopping with!

      This post is sponsored by

     This week marks the beginning of Finals Week for me. Although quite honestly it feels like I've been in finals since before Thanksgiving! My busiest week of my entire college career was last week, when I had two huge final presentations, a term paper, and a digital project due. Somehow I survived! But sadly I am not done yet, since actual exams are this week. Just a few more days to get through and then I will be on my way home for winter break! (Although there will not be a lot of resting for me in the first few days that I'm home... silly me scheduled a bunch of work hours at my job at home... although money is always good!)

      Anyways, as all college students know, the end of one semester means that it's already time to start thinking ahead and looking at books for next semester! You definitely don't want to be that student who gets back to school during the first week and can't get a copy of a textbook because the campus bookstore and many only retailers are sold out of a book (or have raised prices!). The campus bookstore is almost always the most expensive place to get a book, so I generally try to avoid shopping for textbooks there if I can. I am a huge fan of renting books. It is such a pain to try and sell books back at the end of a semester (and I don't think I've ever really made my money's worth back), so renting and then mailing them back after finals is easy and works so well for me!

 is one of my favorite textbook retailers to rent from! I have done posts with them before here on the blog, and I am a big fan of their company. Here are some perks about choosing to rent your textbooks with


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