I left for Maine on Friday night (October 10th). The whole week leading up to this was midterms at my college which was quite stressful, and I ended up packing all of Friday afternoon right up until I had to leave for the airport! My parents picked me up, and the first place that we went was my favorite Asian restaurant. They sell one of my favorite desserts in the world, which is fried green tea ice cream. Up until this point I have been unable to find any restaurants in Charlotte that sell this (but some Instagram friends of mine saw this picture and commented with restaurant suggestions for me to try back near school- yay social media!).
My Saturday got off to a busy start! It started off attending a Fall Festival on my town's Main Street (and while there filling out my voting forms for an absentee ballot #outofstatecollegestudentprobs), stopping in to visit my coworkers at the store that I work at during the summers, and then going to get my hair trimmed! I have been growing my hair out long again and haven't gotten it cut in over a year! It definitely needed the healthy trim and I was really pleased with the results!
Saturday night was Girls Night Out for me! I arranged to borrow my dad's car (Another #outofstatecollegestudentprob is that when I come home on breaks I don't have my car... it was currently in the parking lot of the Charlotte airport!), and drove to Portland, which is Maine's biggest city. There I met two of my best friends from home for a fun GNO! If y'all have been reading my blog for any length of time you will probably recognize both of my friends names: my friend Katie is my longtime real life best friend and also a blogging bestie, and my friend Shara is my sweet friend and also one of my fabulous blog photographers!
I shared this picture in my October Goals blog post, but it was too pretty not to share again! This is the view from the restaurant that I ate at with Shara and Katie! It was right on the Portland waterfront, near the ferry terminal (there are several small islands off the coast of Portland).
After dinner we headed over the the mall to do some shopping! The little mall in Maine certainly isn't as great as some of the big malls in Charlotte, but it will always hold a special place in my heart, since that's the mall that I grew up going to! I actually found a couple cute dresses at Forever 21 (surprisingly we have a huge Forever 21 at home) and of course we all had to take some pictures together before the night was done!
(My outfit will be in a post up next week!) |
Sunday was an interesting day for me! I started off my morning back at my home church. I adore my church in Charlotte but it is always so nice to be back at the little church that my family has been going to for several years now! After church my dad took some outfit pictures for my blog which will be up tomorrow- I can't WAIT for y'all to see them. Some beautiful fall foliage made it into the pictures! Speaking of foliage- that was the highlight of my time home! I made it home during peak foliage for the first time since I started college and it was such a treat!! It seemed almost every tree was in full color.
Sunday afternoon I got to see Tim, one of my best friends from high school! This summer Tim and I used to play tennis a lot when we both had the same days off from our jobs, so of course we had to play a few games of tennis for old times sake. :-) And just for the heck of it I wore one of my old high school spirit week shirts and this baseball cap which was also from my high school to get back into the hometown spirit!
After I got back from tennis, my mom and grandma picked me up and we drove a couple towns over to go apple picking! We arrived at the orchard as it was closing so we had to pick the apples quickly. But then my mom unfortunately lost her car keys.... let me tell you, the phrase "finding a needle in a haystack" really should be changed to "finding car keys in an apple orchard!" Some of the staff of the orchard stayed after closing to help us look for them, and we were all looking as well, but they couldn't be found. The sun was setting quickly so we had to call my dad to rescue us and to bring my mom's spare set of keys. The extra time at the orchard allowed for a lot of pictures to be taken for the blog though, so expect to see those soon! Here's one that I posted to my Instagram while we were "stranded."
The story has a happy ending though! The apple orchard called the next day to let us know my mom's keys had been found by someone!
Monday was a mellow day for me. Tim and I went to brunch at a nearby breakfast restaurant, and then that evening I went out for tea at a local coffee shop with a friend of mine from church. And that night my dad and I got to watch the new Big Bang Theory episode together, and then I baked a bunch of chocolate cookies to take back to school with me! Honestly sometimes the best things about being home are the little things like being able to have access to a full kitchen again and watching TV with my parents. (My dad and I got hooked on the Big Bang Theory after our trip to the Dominican Republic last March- a channel there played old episodes on repeat!)
I flew back to Charlotte yesterday, and this was the sight that I saw as my plane started to leave Maine:
All of that beautiful peak season foliage seen from the sky!
It was a busy few days at home, and I'm glad that I got the chance to see everyone that I did! I am looking forward to Christmas break though and gettting to spend more time with friends and family. There were a couple friends of mine who were out of town that I didn't get to see, as well as some family that I am looking forward to seeing at the holidays!
Stay tuned for a fun fall fashion post tomorrow!
xoxo Miss ALK
Beautiful picture from the plane!! I would love to go visit Maine! My husband has been & absolutely loved it! Said it was so pretty! Love the Big Bang Theory!! Glad you had a nice trip :)