Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

March 8, 2013

Fun Fact Friday {6}

     Time for one of my favorite things about the end of the week... a FFF post! Credit for FFF goes to my blogging friend Emily.

Friday, March 8th 2013

  1. I can't snap my fingers. I've had numerous people try to teach me how over the years but it doesn't make a difference. 
  2. The bakery that I've worked at for the past two summers is closing this year, so next week I'll be doing job hunting around my hometown.
  3. My favorite color is aquamarine.
  4. I'm becoming an Instagram addict.
  5. I started reading my way through the New Testament at New Years', starting with the Gospel of Matthew. I'm now more than halfway though the Gospel of Luke! :-) 

    If you would like to participate in Fun Fact Friday please give credit to Emily in your post and follow her blog! Her blog is private, so shoot her a friendly e-mail at to have her approve you as a follower!

xoxo Miss ALK


  1. "Hi, my name is Elle and I'm addicted to aquamarine anything and Instagram too" hehe

    1. Yay! Glad to know I'm not alone! ;-)

      xoxo Miss ALK


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