This post is going to be very short in comparison to most of my monthly work outfit round-ups, because I'm publishing it pretty early in the month! I leave tomorrow to go home to Maine for Christmas for the rest of the week, and for the last week of December all I have planned on the blog are my annual Year in Review posts. So today was the day for me to share this months work outfits, even though December is only like halfway done- ha! Also- can you tell that I upgraded my phone halfway through this month? I can totally notice a change in photo quality on some of these!
This December in Virginia Beach has been unseasonably warm. There's been multiple days in the 70s (!!), a ton of days in the 60s, and I think the coldest highs of the month have been in the 50s. My type of December!! I'm so here for this.
Favorite fashion items of December 2021:
- Tan suede boots
- Snakeskin tunic dress
- Tweed skirt
- Leopard cardigan {old, similar here}
- Chainlink necklace {mine not online, similar here}
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