Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

June 30, 2020

What I Wore to Work: June 2020 (+ Lilly Sale Picks!)

     Sharing all of June's work outfits today! LOTS of Lilly Pulitzer looks this month as National Wear Your Lilly Day was last week. 😊 Speaking of Lilly- sharing some picks for the sale that's still going on at the end of the post! 

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Favorite Fashion Items of June 2020:
     And now switching gears- let's chat Day Two of the Lilly Pulitzer Dressed for Summer Sale! This surprise sale was announced over the weekend, and kicked off yesterday. Y'all know that I love Lilly Pulitzer and love it even more when its on sale, but I have to be honest- this sale didn't do it for me personally!

     There were tons of great dressier Lilly items included and many that are still there today, but that's not what I'm personally shopping for right now. I still have a lot of really nice Lilly dresses (too nice for work or everyday) from the past two After Party Sales that I've barely gotten to wear or haven't worn at all, thanks to COVID-19 cancelling so many events. What I personally was on the hunt for in this sale were Luxletic pieces (especially tennis skorts since I'm now playing regularly this summer) and possibly some pajamas. By the time I got into the sale, everything I was interested in was sold out in my sizes! 😭 I haven't had that much bad luck in a sale in a long time.

     If you are new to Lilly and trying to build your own collection with some more dressy pieces, I think this is a great sale for you and I'd recommend shopping it today! The prices are really great- tons of gorgeous dresses for occasions for under $100. But if you're like me and were hunting just for Luxletic or casual pieces, you might be sitting this one out like I am.

    Here are a few of my recent Lilly blog posts that might be helpful if you're shopping the sale:
    And here are a few picks still in stock for you!

     God Bless,

     xoxo Annaliese 



  1. So many wonderful looks and loving all these pretty dresses on you!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Ellibelle's Corner

  2. Your style is so fun and vibrant! I realllly love the leopard top with the white pants. It's a great look!

  3. I just love your work wear. All of the Lilly is fabulous and I think I need that green gingham dress.


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