Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

December 25, 2018

The (Free) Christmas Gift You Can Give Me!

     Merry Christmas friends! Hoping you're enjoying today with family, friends and loved ones, and that it is a relaxing holiday. If you do have to work today, I'm hoping it will be an easy day for you! May we all take time to reflect on the miracle of Jesus's birth, and how special this season is.

     I'm writing this to you live from my layover in NYC. don't usually do a blog post on Christmas, but tomorrow is a very exciting day for me, and I have a request for y'all! Tomorrow at 5 am, I begin my dream job as a morning radio host. Hence why I have to fly back to Virginia on Christmas Day! (If you missed my new job announcement- read it here!)

     It would be my greatest joy tomorrow if you could celebrate the next chapter of my career with me by listening to my first show on the new station! The Z 95.1 Morning Show with Marc and Anna Lise (I spell my name slightly differently for the radio. 😊) will be live on-air M-F, from 5-10 am EST, and tomorrow is the first day! If you live in Charlottesville area, you can listen live to Z 95.1 on your radio. If you're out of town/state/country, you can listen a few different ways:
  1. Directly on the Z websiteThere is a streaming player right on our website- perfect to listen to from your desktop!
  2. Mobile apps: The TuneIn app allows you to stream live radio from anywhere! Just search Z 95.1. 
  3. Amazon Alexa: Ask Alexa to play WQMZ Z 95.1, and she will play the station for you. 

     If you would tune in at any point in the show tomorrow and send me a photo of how you're listening (car, computer, phone, etc), that would mean the WORLD to me, and be the ultimate (free) belated Christmas gift!! I will share photos of everyone listening and where they are listening from on my Instagram stories tomorrow. You can let me know you're listening any way- email me, DM me on Instagram, tweet me, text me (if you have my number!)... whatever works for you!

     I have been blogging here at Southern Belle in Training for over six years now, and all of you longtime readers truly feel like dear friends (and some of you have even become real life friends!). For the most part, I've kept my radio career and blog pretty separate over the past couple years, but with the new show I hope to integrate the two together a little more. If you could let me know that you're listening to the first show tomorrow, that would be a great way to start!

     Christmas blessings to you! Here's to an amazing last week of 2019.

      God Bless,

      xoxo Annaliese


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