Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

December 20, 2017

Midweek Ramblings + Recent Purchases + Current Wishlist.

{One of the beautiful Christmas trees that I saw in Kentucky! Stay tuned for more posts from the trip soon! Keep up with me on social media @miss_alk}

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  • Last Ramblings of 2017! Today's post is my last Midweek Ramblings for the year! (Next week I have some of my annual end-of-year recaps planned for the blog.) I can't believe that yet another year has passed of sharing these tidbits of my life with y'all on Wednesdays. I started doing these posts back in college and I wasn't sure how long I'd keep doing them or if anyone would like them, but clearly they have stuck around!! Corny as this sounds, I'm excited to ramble my way in 2018 with another year of blogging. 😊
  • Holiday motivation struggle: It has been a rough week with motivation at work! My first time off since starting my job was a couple weeks ago, and I have another long weekend coming up for the Christmas holiday. Then I'm off the following weekend as well for  New Years' trip! It's so strange to me to have all of these long weekends in a row after going so many months without time off, and it's definitely taken extra effort to stay focused and productive at work this week. Anyone else feel me on that? 
  • Native New Englander: My native Maine self totally came out this week with the weather. After a warm fall, Vermont has had a bitterly cold December. Yesterday, temperatures finally hit 40 degrees (something we haven't seen in a few weeks now). I broke out a dress and tights for the occasion, and remarked several times that day on-air "ISN'T IT WARM OUTSIDE TODAY?!" I'm laughing to myself now... if I was still in North Carolina I would be freezing in 40 degree weather! Funny how you change your geographic location and your perspective changes! 

  • I haven't done any personal shopping this week. My high school bestie and I have a shopping date planned for this weekend when I arrive home in Maine, so I'm looking forward to that! I'm also excited for After Christmas Sales!

  • Not a super fun item but soon I need to replace my radio headphones for work! I've been starting to look at different pairs at various price points on Amazon. 
  • This sweater sure would brighten up some cold winter weather! And it's on sale right now. 
  • Since I've called a few places home, lately I've been obsessed with custom coordinates jewelry. This bracelet is gorgeous and I love how you can customize it with where you've lived! 
  • As the weather continues to get colder in Vermont, I continue to crave ALL the scarves
  • These are the most darling shoes!! (Not very appropriate for New England winter, but I can dream right?)

Recipe of the week: My Favorite Matzo Ball Soup. Giving a shameless plug to the recipe that I shared on the blog this week! It really is one of my favorites to make at this time of year. 

Song of (2017): Since this is the last Midweek Ramblings of the year, sharing my favorite song of the year! Hands down and without a doubt, it was Rockabye by Clean Bandit. I am a big Clean Bandit fan and love everything they release, but this song I especially love!! (I associate it with a tougher time in my life last winter, and hearing this song on the radio then always used to put a smile on my face!)

On the blog this week:

      Have a wonderful rest of your week! We're so close to Christmas!

      God Bless,

      xoxo Annaliese 


  1. Such a gorgeous tree! :) xx

  2. Your tree is so cute and I love the wallpaper :) great post!


  3. I can't believe we are days away from the New Year!
    Doing some after Christmas shopping sounds like a good idea, might have to do the same.

  4. Holidays make it so hard for me to stay motivated too!

  5. Love this idea! I too am ready for these after Christmas sales!

  6. That sweater is so bright and cheery! Have a wonderful holiday with your family!

  7. SAME HERE! I am doing the same thing here with the 40 degree temps. Back home I would be FREEZING!

  8. That Christmas tree is so pretty! I love to go tree spotting during the holidays :P

  9. Love the idea of custom coordinates jewelry. Those bracelets from Etsy are totally adorable!!

  10. Listening to that song, I used to listen to Clean Bandit a lot but my music taste has changed A LOT over that past year. So I'm checking it out!!

    xoxo Lex // LexLovesM

  11. That tree is so pretty! And I'm definitely ready for the after-Christmas sales too haha!

  12. I need to give that soup a try. I have been searching for new recipes!

    -xo, Azanique |

  13. Haha I'm in DC and I'm at a point where I'm happy for 40 degree weather too! So much warmer than the below 30 degrees we had last week!

    xo Deborah
    Coffee, Prose, and Pretty Clothes

  14. That tree from your trip is so so beautiful!

    xoxo, Paige

  15. Happy End of 2017 and Merry Christmas! I'm seriously going to have to try that Matzo Ball soup soon!

  16. I love the custom coordinates bracelet.

  17. Happy end of the year! I love that so many bloggers are doing year-end wrap ups, it really makes their blogs feel more personal! I'm looking forward to reading yours :)

    Logan |

  18. My family makes matzo ball soup too! I'll have to give your recipe a try for my next family get together. Thanks!


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