Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas 2017!

     Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas! Today I just wanted to pop on and share the photo that I used for my Christmas cards this year. I wish that I could send each and every one of you a Christmas card- so consider today's post my virtual Christmas greetings to you!

Single Girl Christmas Card Idea

    I love doing creative and funny ideas for cards, so this year I combined my love of collecting Starbucks mugs (I'm holding the North Carolina state mug) with one of Vermont's best-known exports!

     I hope that today is a peace and joy filled day for you and your loved ones, and that you take time to reflect on the birth of our Savior! I am truly so thankful for each one of you who reads my blog and follows my social media- perhaps this year more than ever before! Since I had a tougher time this year than I anticipated with settling into a new life in Vermont, I became more thankful than ever for the community and opportunities that blogging has brought my way. So thank you all for being apart of my 2017!

     I was supposed to be at home in Maine for a few days for Christmas, but thanks to New England's unpredictable winter weather, I opted to be safe in the snow and ice and avoid travel by staying here in Vermont. I wasn't counting on doing this (especially after spending Thanksgiving by myself in Vermont as well), but safety always comes first. I am trying to keep a positive attitude by reminding myself of all that I have to be grateful for this holiday season- health, a safe and warm place to call home in the cold weather, Christmas movies on TV, a few days off from work to rest and relax... there are always blessings to be thankful for even when plans change!

      Enjoy your holiday - and stay tuned this week for my Georgetown, KY travel guide and my end of the year recap posts!

      God Bless,

       xoxo Annaliese


1 comment

  1. Sending lots of <3 your way from Florida and wishing you the merriest Christmas!


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