Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

May 25, 2016

The First Month of Post Grad Life.

     So sorry for the lack of a Midweek Ramblings + Recent Purchases post on-time for the second week in a row! As I went to my laptop to write it late last night (#procrastinator), my internet went out! The cable went out as well- I'd had the TV on the in the background while I was working. Technology can definitely be frustrating sometimes! Luckily everything is back and running now, and I hope to have an MR+RP post up bright and early next Wednesday.

     For today, I thought it would be fun to share a little recap of what all I have been up to (aside from blogging!) since graduating college. It has been a good few weeks now since I graduated and moved into my apartment, and life has definitely been different since when I was a full-time student. Here is a peak into what my post graduate life looks like:

      Lots of afternoons spent lying by the pool while two of the girls that I nanny for go to swim practices.

     Reunited with a dear friend from my former college, and exploring a new part of NC together for a hiking adventure! 

      Joined a women's bible study (my church calls them LifeGroups).

     Had senior pictures taken (with my Big and my roommate) to celebrate college graduation. I'll share more pictures soon, and do a longer recap post of graduation weekend! 

     Got my North Carolina drivers' license!

     Got my Charlotte-Mecklenburg library card. 

     Am constantly trying different (easy) recipes in my kitchen.

     Booked this year's birthday trip. (With my roommate and one of her good friends! It is top secret where we are going ;-) )

     Was invited to my first wedding (not family related) as a guest, and also was asked to be in a bridal party for the first time for a different friend's wedding! 

     Spent the first half of one day on the phone with Time Warner Cable to try and set up the cable on both TVs in the apartment. 

     Planned and attended another fun blogger meet-up.

     So life as of late hasn't been too exciting, but as y'all can see there have also been lots of little experiences which I know I will treasure memories from! I am getting more and more excited to start broadcasting school in less than two months, and for the fun travel plans that I have coming up in August/September!

     xoxo Miss ALK







  1. What a great way to enjoy after college and beautiful Waterfall!! Enjoy life! :)


  2. It sounds like post grad life has been so lovely so far! Your life is in such an exciting transition stage right now and it seems like you are really making the most of it. Wishing all of the joy and success for you gorgeous girl <3

  3. Could the wedding that you were invited to be mine?! XD haha yay enjoy the post grad life. I wish you well and can't wait to see what the future holds for you.

    xoxo, Jenny

  4. It seems like you've had tons of fun since graduating. Can't wait to see what adventures you go on next!

    XO, Brooke

  5. It sounds like you've been super busy! I graduated about a week and half ago and have mostly laid around and done a lot errands so far haha. I'm also super jealous it's warm enough for you to be by the pool - in NJ it's been freezing until today! I can't wait to hear about your blogger meet-up!

    The Blush Blonde

  6. haha!! loved this, post grad sounds very adult like but yet very fun! such a new chapter

  7. It seems you're really taking advantage of life after college! Wishing you so much look! Make sure to go on a lot of adventures! xo

  8. You've been busy! It's nice to just take time to sort things out and live your life after so many crazy years! You're accomplishing so much!

    La Belle Sirene

  9. Looks like such a fun and busy month! We need to get together again soon!



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