Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

May 4, 2016

Midweek Ramblings + Recent Purchases (+ UPDATE from last post!)

{Follow me on Instagram and Snapchat @miss_alk!}

      First and foremost, thank-you to all of you for your sweet comments from my previous blog post! They truly meant the world to me during two difficult weeks. I cannot even put into words how much the blogging community does mean to me. It's times like these that remind me how the friendships made in the blogging world are 100% real, and your encouragement during a tough and unexpected time in my life was so special to me.


  • Concussions. are. not. fun: In case you missed my previous blog post or recent social media updates, things have been a bit quieter than usual here on Southern Belle in Training as I have been recovering from an unexpected concussion. Due to confidential reasons beyond my control I am not allowed to discuss the circumstances that lead to my concussion, but all I will say is that the reasons behind everything were almost as hard to deal with as the physical pain and hardship of having a concussion in the first place! I did play a couple of years of sports in high school, but was lucky enough never to have a concussion, so this was my first experience with one. Those who have also had one can agree with  me- they are terrible! Probably the worst part was how boring the first week of recovery was- unlike being in sick in bed with a normal illness, what you can do during concussion recovery is so limited! By doctors orders, I couldn't blog or watch Netflix (or really be on the computer at all), and my cell phone usage was limited also. I am doing much better now of which I am thankful for, but I am still not 100%. For the next month there will still be some things that I won't be able to do, and that will be difficult.
  • Thankfulness through tough times: Despite dealing with all of this during my final exams week and senior week or college, as well as everything else associated with the situation, since I had so much time in bed to myself over the past couple of weeks it allowed me plenty of time to think. During that time, I did a lot of praying, and many of those were surprisingly prayers of thankfulness. Yes- there were lots of moments that I was very irritable and upset about what happened, and frustrated by things that I had to give up or lose for recovery. But there were also moments that I felt much growth in my faith, and that I had to thank the Lord for His goodness. For example- having such limited use of technology for over a week made me realize how lucky I am just to have access to things like electronics and blogging, and even to have eyesight! And spending so much time in bed made me realize how lucky I am to have a healthy body that is (normally) able to be physically active- once I am fully recovered I hope to make a much better commitment this summer to physical fitness. 
  • GRADUATION! Other than the fact that I have been in bed for the past couple of weeks, the other big news around these parts is that I will be a college graduate on Saturday! It didn't seem real before, and after my life as of late it feels even more like a dream. Be sure to stay tuned to my Instagram and Snapchat this weekend @miss_alk for lots of updates from graduation festivities and my move! I am excited to have extended family from both my mom and dad's sides here in Charlotte with me to celebrate. 
  • Back at it: My normal posting schedule will resume on Monday, May 9th. I am so so so excited to get back to blogging regularly! Big things are coming this summer to the blog and I can't wait to begin on everything.

  • I wore these gorgeous earrings for my final sorority formal a few weeks ago, and they're still available! Pretty and a reasonable price- always a win-win!
  • I recently got a new iPhone! I'm so excited to have finally upgraded from my little and dying 5S to the big and beautiful 6S plus. After looking at a few different options, this is the first case that I chose to go with for my new phone. 
  • Something very similar to my graduation dress was just re-released in a new print... dare I say that I like this version better than the one that I have?! 

     Talk to you all next Monday!! 

     xoxo Miss ALK



  1. I'm so glad you're doing better and making it to graduation! Still in my prayers! <3

  2. SO happy you're doing better! We all missed your happy sunshine personality in the blogging world. Also, can't believe graduation time is already here! Congrats on almost being a college graduate!!
    Amy | Pastel N Pink

  3. I am so happy to hear you are doing better, now on to celebrating for graduation! So many big & exciting life adventures around the corner for you. Yay!

  4. We're excited to have you back in the blogosphere! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week and weekend! Congratulations on graduation!

    Kayla |

  5. SO glad you're feeling better, A! Congrats on graduation, can't wait to see all of your pictures!


  6. I'm new to your blog, but I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better! Praise God for his faithfulness during trials!
    That phone case is so pretty- I love the ones that have designs on a clear case :)
    Kate // This Side of Paradise

  7. I'm glad you're feeling better and able to blog again! I hope your recovery continues to progress.


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