Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

May 24, 2023

The *BEST* DIY Nail Product I've Tried: Dashing Diva Glaze.

       It's been four years since I became an enthusiast of DIY manicures and ditched my costly monthly visits to nail salons. And I've never looked back! I first discovered ImPRESS press-on nails in 2019 and became obsessed. I then started playing around with different brands of nail polish wraps in 2021, and enjoyed incorporating those into my manicure routines when I wasn't using ImPRESS. Even though I had definitely found a variety of nail products that I did enjoy using at home, I kept feeling like there still might be something better out there for truly long-lasting DIY nails. And I was right! In 2022 I discovered the Dashing Diva Glaze UV Gel Nail Polish Wraps, and they are without a doubt the best nail product I've ever used. This is the magical unicorn product that I was searching for when it comes to doing manicures myself! It's about time I gave them a full review here on the blog.

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     Dashing Diva has been known for a few years for their nail polish wraps. (I tried and reviewed their original style of nail polish wraps a couple years ago in this blog post.) Their original wraps are super thin and made of real nail polish. After filing your nails, you place the wrap that best fits the width of your natural nail and then trim and file it down. Super easy! They lasted about a week-ish for me usually. The only thing that I didn't like is how thin they were. Dashing Diva wraps are applied directly to your natural nail, and the original ones are super thin. One of the things I like the most about press-on nails is that they feel like an acrylic nail and add a lot of thickness to your nail. And nail polish wraps just didn't feel like that. Until I found the new Dashing Diva Glaze line that is!

     Dashing Diva's Glaze line of nail wraps are UV gel wraps that bond so well to your natural nail and make your natural nails 3x stronger and thicker once cured under UV light. You can purchase a starter kit which comes with it's own UV light and a set of nail wraps for about $15! The Dashing Diva UV light has a USB cord and will easily plug into a cell phone charger or USB outlet. 

     It takes me about 15-20 minutes to apply Dashing Diva Glaze nails to myself. Each Glaze style kit comes with 32 differently sized nail wraps. Hold them up to your natural nails and figure out which wraps best fit the width of each of your natural nails. Once you've decided which sizes you'll be using, it's very easy to apply them! Here are the steps I use:

  1. Wash hands and dry them well. Use the provided wooden cuticle stick and then file your nails very well. Not filing a ton for length, but mainly following horizontally to roughen up the width of the nail. If you have an electronic buffing tool like they do at salons, this would also be a great time to use that. Don't worry if you don't know- I don't own a buffing tool and I can usually get my nails in good shape with just a lot of heavy filing over the center of the nail.
  2. Use the provided prep wipe to clean each nail after filing. Each Dashing Diva Glaze set comes with two prep wipes, which means you can get two separate uses out of each set! So you're really getting your money's worth here.
  3. Place and stick the nail wraps that best fit each of your natural nails. They will be way longer than your natural nails, so once each wrap is on, you'll cut it down as close to your natural nail as possible with nail scissors. 
  4. Place your completed trimmed nails under the Dashing Diva UV light from the starter kit. It's pre-set to turn on for 45 seconds at a time. Do each hand under the map for 45 seconds.
  5. After they come out from the UV light, file down the tops and any rough edges!

      And that's it! Beautiful gel-like nails for the next two weeks are yours! 

      For removal, I usually soak my fingers for a bit in hot water and then use a cuticle stick to try to raise up the edges and then peel off the whole nail. As I mentioned earlier in the post, I still really like ImPRESS press-on nails, too! I've been alternating between using ImPRESS and then Dashing Diva Glaze. I feel that both ImPRESS and Dashing Diva each stay longer on my nails when I alternate between the two products.

      Here are a few looks I've loved over the past year when using Dashing Diva Glaze!

     As always, I'd love to hear from you about your favorite DIY nail products!! And feel free to check out my other DIY nail product reviews in these posts:

     God Bless,

    xoxo Annaliese

1 comment

  1. Love Dashing Diva! I haven't tried the UV version, but you have definitely talked me into it! Your nails look awesome.


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