Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

December 2, 2013

A new season of singleness.

{Taken at the beach in my hometown in August 2013}

     I feel like the topic of singleness is something that I wrote about quite a lot last year, and also this past summer. Yet since I have started my sophomore year of college, it's something that I haven't written about here. It's not that I have been avoiding the topic, but instead my life has just been so busy and full that there hasn't been as much of a need to talk about it. For this beginning part of my 19th year, singleness is something that I don't hate with a passion anymore. Sure, I don't love it, but I seem to have a newfound respect for it.

     One thing that I have started to realize this semester is that I have the power to make myself busy with things that I want to do. I was always busy during my freshman year, but I feel as though a lot of the things that I was busy with weren't things that I necessarily enjoyed doing. Next semester especially I will have lots of enjoyable things to fill my time with. I will begin my internship, become more involved in Alpha Delta Pi (the amazing sorority that I'm blessed to be apart of), and hopefully join a bible study at the church that I've been going to in Charlotte. Each of these actitivies will help me to develop myself in a different way. They are also things that I am looking forward to, and I know that God has blessed me with all of these opportunities!

     Yes, I would love to be in a relationship right now. Yes, I would by lying if I said that my heart never hurts sometimes when I see girls posting pictures online of flowers or presents that their boyfriends gave them. Yes, I would love to have a wonderful guy sending me good morning texts or picking me up from the airport (either at home or at school!) from my trips on school breaks. But I have finally realized that this is just something that the Lord hasn't put into my life yet, and that's okay. It would be wrong for me to force any of this with the wrong person, and God will make it known to me when I meet a guy that it's okay to enter into a relationship with. And in the meantime, the Lord has blessed me with so many amazing opportunities- and I don't want to miss out on any of those because I'm too busy complaining about still being single!

     I hope that 2014 is the year that I find an amazing romantic relationship, but if it's not, I know that I will be just fine. 2013 is a year that has helped me gain a lot of self-confidence (transferring schools, job and internship hunting, going back and forth between North and South and having a blog all helps with that :-)), and I know that the reason that I haven't had a boyfriend yet doesn't have anything to do with me personally, it has to do with God's plan. All that I can do is keep doing what I'm doing, and work harder on practicing virtues like patience, hard work and positivity! Developing myself is the best thing to do in the meantime.

     xoxo Miss ALK


  1. Yea I've been single for 2 yrs and that's the longest I've ever been single. So I get to bring in my 30th birthday this coming Saturday being Single and not having to worry about a guy in my life. Although I am talking to one and he sounds like he's a winner but time will tell. hope you're doing good. Single life isnt always bad.

  2. Chin up! It will come in due time. I never had an official boyfriend during high school - just that weird talking and occasionally hanging out thing where we acknowledged we had feelings for each other, but nothing more came of it - and then I started dating someone my sophomore year. Looking back, I think that I wanted it more for saying that I had a boyfriend and saying that I had dated someone. I did have feelings for him, and I was very hurt when he broke up with me, but it wasn't right.

    It sounds like you have a great outlook right now! Keep on and remember that God has your best interests at heart and when it's right it'll happen.

  3. It'll happen when you least expect it! Promise ;)

  4. Although I'm just in high school, I used to struggle with so much of this. It's a silly thing really. We feel we need a boyfriend, but whatever happened to being an independent woman? Girls nowadays I often think feel they need to get married in their early twenties, start a family soon after, and live the rest of their lives as it is played out by their older sisters and friends and celebrities. Girls feel like they need a man. They then rush to find a man. They then settle on a man, who may or may not be the one. I believe this whole cycle of needing, rushing, and settling could quite possibly be a factor in America's oh so high divorce rate. Like you said, God has a plan. Once I realized that it was ok to get married in my late twenties/early thirties and the only reason I wanted a boyfriend was because of what I saw from others, I slowly became okay with being single and it's a fantastic gift to feel.

  5. I feel you. I have been single for a LONG time but I believe that a guy will come when the time is right. When I have time to be in relationship or a guy who is patient enough to deal with my crazy schedule. Hopefully it will be a guy who thinks its cool that I blog. :)


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