Southern Belle in Training

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blog || Est. 2012 || Virginia Beach, VA

November 13, 2012

The most exciting item that I've ever crossed off my bucket list.

     A dream that I've had for many years actually came true about a week and a half ago. To be honest, I'm still in shock that it actually happened. It was totally a God thing... and maybe a little bit of being in the right place at the right time as well. :-)

     Yes, that's me with the one and only Karen Kingsbury! Aka, the queen of (amazing) Christian fiction. She's a New York Times best selling author, and beloved by fans around the nation and world. I've read almost 30 of her books and I won't stop until I've read them all! Each of her books hooks me in from the very first page, she's an extremely talented author who uses her gift to glorify the Lord.

     Karen's books encouraged me so much during my high school years. My walk with God was encouraged so much by reading them and I was able to relate to a lot of her characters, especially the character of Bailey Flanigan. Bailey was modeled after Karen's real life daughter Kelsey, and through the years the books follow Bailey through high school, college, a career as an actress and then her new life as a wife. Bailey's high school situation was similar to mine, and the character of her inspired me to take a stand for my faith despite being in a harsh public school environment.

     I'd wanted to meet the woman behind these amazing books for years, but Karen never really did any events in the New England area, where I'm from. She lived in the Pacific Northwest until last year, and now she and her family make their home in Nashville. When it was announced that Karen was going on a tour to promote her newest book, I was so excited that some of the locations were in driving distance from my college! Definitely a perk to going to school down south. I was so delighted by how friendly and down to earth Karen is in person. It was such a blessing to be able to meet the woman whose books have inspired and helped to change my life for the better!

     My sweet college friend B accompanied me. Even though she'd never read any of Karen's books she helped me find the location of the signing and waited in line with me for 2 hours. She's the one that took the picture of me and Karen that I included in this post!
     Karen signed my copy of her latest book, The Bridge, with the bible verse Jeremiah 29:11. She quotes this verse frequently in her books. In the NIV it reads:

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." 

This verse has really inspired me in the past couple weeks. These recent times have been filled with emotional ups and downs for me, and knowing that all of this is an exact part of God's plan for my life gives me this amazing inner peace that I can't even describe! College has really taught me to lean on God for my support.

Have any of you ever met a celebrity, or someone that you've always looked up to?

xoxo Miss ALK


  1. That's exciting! Well, you know about Selena Gomez. We didn't meet her, but it was fun! and i'd LOVE to meet Demi Lovato. She's a huge inspriration to me!

  2. I loved her books when I was in high school :) fun that you got to meet her.

  3. That is so amazing that you got to meet her! I've read a few of her books, and they are really good. So happy for you!(:


  4. I'm soooo jealous!!! Karen Kingsbury happens to be like one of my all time favorite authors, and her daughter Kelsey is my #1 role model!!! I've never met Karen or Kelsey, but I hope to someday!!



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